Events: Graco Safeseat

30 answers

How Do You Choose the Right Stroller/car Seat?

My husband and I have been looking at a few different brands of travel system strollers, and just seem to get more frustrated the more we look. Is a travel system really worth it? Do the car seats that come with a travel system have a high safety rating? We like the idea of the easy to use, one handed fold up stroller. And for me, the lighter the weight of all the equipment, the less of a strain it will be to handle. And we also like the more ergonomic handles on the car seats like Evenflo and Babytrend make. We also looked at the more...


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28 answers

Looking for an Infant Car Seat Recommendation for a non-SUV/ Non-mini Van Car

My first baby is due in September and I had recently purchased Graco's safeseat infant car seat, only to find that it doesn't quite fit in my 2006 Acura TL. I also just tried the Graco Snugride II, and it still doesn't fit. Surely, I'm not the only mom out there who doesn't have an SUV or minivan (or am I?) Does anyone have an infant car seat recommendation for a 4-door sedan? I would like to be able to put the infant car seat behind the driver's seat without having to move my seat to the dash board.


Infant Car Seat

I have been shopping around for a new Infant Car Seat for my daughter due in...