My grandson has had a pretty typical head/chest cold. But my daughter took him to urgent care because he coughs very bad at night. They put him on 5 days of the zit...
When my son was 6 months old, he was diagnosed with whopping cough. Since that time, whenever he gets a cold, he also gets a cough from hell (excuse the term)! I decl...
My daughter started to get lung congestion and wheezing at xmas time from the RSV virus, she had an ear infection at the same time so they gave her an antibiotic too....
My daughter is 17 months old and getting a tooth in. So, in true teething fashion she started with a runny nose a couple of days ago and then today was coughing and ...
My 16 month old daughter needs 4x daily nebulizer treatments. The doctor says the mask will not do, she must put the nozzle in her mouth and inhale or breathe in the...
My 4 year old son was recently diagosed with allergies associated with asthma. He gets a persistant cough this time of year and in the fall. The cough sometimes caus...
My little girl is almost 11 months old and has some respiratory problems recently. She has been in the hospital all weekend with breathing difficulty. She is doing ...
Another question for you very helpful ladies. This is kind of long sorry. Well my 3.5 yr old daughter has had a cough for 3 weeks now. Here is some background info...
My daughter is 9 months old. About 10 days ago 3 of my kids came down with a cold (fever, really runny nose, etc) After a few days, the older children were able to ki...
My daughter just turned two in March & has had what seems to be a chronic cold since she was about nine months old. She was in the hospital in October for three days...