Dryer: Toddler, Seventh Generation

Results 31-40 from 177 articles

Nature Babycare Diapers

B.G. asks from Boston

I was wondering if anyone has used the nature babycare diapers and if so how did you like them. I want to be as eco friendly as possible and I came across this produc...


Your Favorite Laundry Detergent

L.G. asks from Washington DC

So for years I've solely used Tide. My husband really liked the smell of that so I would always get that kind. In the past few years we've not been able to smell the ...



B.S. asks from Sioux City

Hello, My 2 year old son has eczema- BAD! It is all over his body, even the top of his head, and he is constantly itching-to the point he is bleeding. We have been t...


Whats the Best Detergent and Softener to Use in Laundry ?

A.W. asks from New York

I just have a question : whats the best laundry detergent and softener to use for baby's clothes ? My daughter seem to be very sensitive, she is 5 months old. Thank ...


Eco-friendly Flow? Diapers?

M.J. asks from Chicago

So, my husband and I are making an effort to "go green" in our house. We've done a lot of things and when brainstorming on other things we can do, there were two issu...


Help with Bad Diaper Rash...

B.K. asks from Philadelphia

This question may have been posted before, but is there any home remedy for really bad diaper rash? My 2 year old is getting over a stomach virus and has some leftove...


Seeking Green Alternatives

R.H. asks from Minneapolis

Hi all, I am looking for a "green" laundry soap. I have found alternatives to just about every other product, but can't find a laundry soap that works for me. Thanks...


How to Live Frugal/chemical Free

N.0. asks from Mobile

My family is looking into being more frugal. My husband is a police officer and I am a sahm of a (soon to be)2yo & a little one that should be here anytime. I am look...


Cloth Diapers

Y.L. asks from Richmond

Ok, so we're having our 2nd baby in January and I am thinking that this time around I would like to do part-time elimination communication together with cloth diapers...


Looking for "Green" Housecleaning Products

S.F. asks from Dayton

I have decided that I would like to stop using chemically based housecleaning products. I know there are several brands of "green" housecleaning products on the mark...