Disposable Diapers: Infant, Chicco

Results 21-30 from 117 articles

Advice on a Double Stroller

K.C. asks from New York

I am looking for a good double stroller and I don't know whether to go with the tandum or the side by side. For my son, I had the Chicco Cortina KetFit Travel System...


Traveling with 5 Month Old Baby to London--need Advice!

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

I am traveling to london for a business trip with my husband and our 5 month old baby in two weeks. We travel a lot but this is our first baby. We are clueless about...


Recommendations on Travel Boosters/high Chairs

H.E. asks from Colorado Springs

I am wondering if anyone has any portable/travel high chairs or boosters that they just love! I am looking to have a good, versatile chair that we can easily take wit...


Making My Baby Wish List... What Are Your Must-haves?

N.G. asks from Dallas

I'm 17 1/2 weeks pregnant with my first boy, my third child. My youngest daughter is 5 1/2 so it's been a while since I've done the baby thing, and I have absolutely...


Double Stoller Dilemma - Tandem or Side by Side?

M.P. asks from Chicago

Hi Ladies. I am looking for a double stroller that would accomodate a 2 year old and a new born baby. We have a Chicco Infant Car Seat. Do you suggest tandem or s...


Walking Mom Seeks Stroller That's Good for Carrying Baby and Groceries Home!

S.G. asks from San Francisco

I am looking at strollers for my baby-to-be, and I'm having trouble finding one that meets my specifications. I do not drive (my husband does, and so we'll get a diff...


Looking for Recommendations on Travel System

A.M. asks from Kansas City

I am looking to purchase a travel system that is easy to use and has a high safety rating. I know two moms who have highly recommended Chico Key Fit. Any suggestions ...


Registering for Strollers

N.M. asks from Chicago

My husband and I have begun the daunting task of registering for our twins. We would like to register for a stroller, but do not know what works best for twins. We ha...


Seeking Recommendations on Lightweight Strollers

J.C. asks from Chicago

I am looking to transition from our Quattro Tour Travel sysytem stroller to a lightweight stroller for my nearly one year old. I am looking at Zooper, Maclaren, and C...


Should I Get Double Stroller?

A.U. asks from Detroit

I recently asked a question about recommendations on a travel system for my 3rd baby girl due Oct 23rd......but I've been thinking....Should I be getting a double str...