Digestion: Snugli

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6 answers

Nutramigen and Zantac (Acid Reflux)

Our LO is almost three months and has had issues with being fussy and spitting up formula. He has also always been very grunty. We switched him to nutramigen and that seemed to really help with his stomach issues and constipation. He recently seemed to be in discomfort from what we thought was acid reflux and would spit up clear liquid after feedings. We brought him to the pediatrician and they put him on Zantac. After two days he started doing wonderful, grunting less, sleeping for 5-6 hours at night and was in a much better mood...


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34 answers

8 Month Old Who Constantly Cries

I have an 8 month old little boy. He constantly cries if I don't hold him or if he isn't around me. At the babysitter's house he cries for hours at a time. He usually cries himself to sleep. When I leave the room, he cries. If he is at the babysitters and I show up he starts screaming and crying for me. He will go to his father, but after a while he will cry for me. I started carrying him around the house in a snugli just to do everyday house work, so I don't have to listen to him scream and cry. I don't know how to stop this behavior....