Digestion: Princess

8 articles

What Is the Best Formula for Sensitive Babies?

M.. asks from Ocala

I breastfeed my baby. She is 7 months old. I think she is allergic to dairy, because several months ago she had blood in her stool. So I stopped all dairy for myself ...


Advice Regarding Breast Feeding and Acid Reflux

H.C. asks from Ocala

I am a new mom of a 7wk old who I believe has Acid Reflux. We go for her 2 month check up next week, but have already spoken with the pediatrician regarding our conc...


Possible Allergy to Milk

L.K. asks from Los Angeles

I have a daughter who just turned 1 and we have had her on 2% milk for about week and a half. She just got over a cold and was getting better but now she has a runny...


Frustrated with the Feeding Frenzy

J.J. asks from Kansas City

This is a 2 part question...I have a 6 week old daughter whom I have breastfed exclusively. I am going back to work in 4 weeks and will be having her daycare provide...


Terribly Gassy 3 Week Old. Need Advice on Formula.

K.G. asks from Los Angeles

Hi mommys. I am a brand new mommy of a beautiful three week old little girl. Being a first time mom things are a little stressful and totally new. We were struggli...


Newborn with Horrible Gas

M.W. asks from Atlanta

My 4 week old is having horrible gas pretty much all the time but it seems like it gets worse in the afternoon & evening. She will wake up in the middle of a nap cry...


Cradle Cap?

T.L. asks from Stockton

My 6 week son has a horrible case of cradle cap. His doctor said to leave it be and it will clear up on its own but it looks so bad! It takes everything in my power n...


Colicky 7 Week Old Seems Misreable During the Day

L.G. asks from Decatur

Help! I'm grandma, and in my day we called it "colic". My 7 week old granddaughter sleeps as you'd expect (with two feedings) during the night, but when she's awake...