Diapers: Toddler, Aquaphor

Results 61-70 from 535 articles

How Often Should I Give My 4 Month Old a Bath?

L.K. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I can't agree on this subject - he thinks me giving our 4 month old a bath everynight is not a good idea, but I think just giving her baths 2 times per...


6 Month Old with Redness Underarm ** Diaper Rashes**

M.B. asks from Albuquerque

Hi Mama's! I noticed today that my 6 month old daughter has redness under her arm. It almost looks like it is irratated. There is also a white sort of discharge u...


What Is the Best Way to Treat/control Eczema in a 3 Month Old?

D.C. asks from Fresno

My 3 month old son was diagnosed with eczema. Does anyone know the best ways to keep it under control. We went to the doctor today and got a prescription for an ora...


Advice Needed on Skin Care for 2 Month Old...

R.H. asks from San Francisco

My 2 month old son has a slight case of cradle-cap. I have heard of a few home rememdies on how to care for it, does anyone know of "care tips" for cradle-cap? - whe...


Advice on a Long Trip with a 5 Month Old Baby by Car

T.D. asks from Syracuse

Hello, we are moving next month to a different country (from Italy to Germany) and for many reasons the only way we can travel is by car! our baby is 5 month and i...


Awful Diaper Rash...Help!!!!

L.K. asks from Hickory

My 3 month old has had an awful diaper rash for about a week now. We usually use cloth diapers, but he has been in disposables for a week. I have been using Aquapho...


Diaper Rash Lasting About a Week for My 7 Month Old Som

D.D. asks from Washington DC

my 7 month old has a diaper rash that seems to be spreading I have tried the huggies diaper rash cream and it is not working. I was wondering if goldbond was good for...


11 Month Old Has Had Diarrhea for Almost a Week. HELP!

K.A. asks from Enid

I have a beautiful 11 month old boy who "caught a bug" last week and quickly recovered. However, the diarrhea has remained and his poor little bottom is so raw! The...


Seeking Advice Re: 7-Month Old Who Scratches

S.O. asks from New York

I've been loyally reading everyone's postings everyday and finally have one I need your help with. Our 7-month old delicious girl is generally very easy - great eate...


1 Year Old with Bad Diaper Rash.

V.F. asks from Shreveport

My daughter has a bad rash. I have called the pediatrician twice about it over the past week It goes away fairly quickly, but when she has a nasty tething diaper i...