Diapers & Diaper Changing: BOB

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11 answers

Cribs, Car Seats, Bob Revolution, Nordic Cab? Ugggg.

Anyone have a car seat, baby jogger, stroller, crib, glass baby bottles, co-sleeper....any product for a new baby.... that they love? I am overwhelmed by the choices. We are looking for excellent quality and as non toxic, as possible. I understand many of the paints, glues are not good for the baby! Organic is great! I was looking at the Bob Revolution baby jogger, and some kind of car seat that would fit into that for the first several months of use. Also, Nordic Cab's Sport Combo jogger. LL Bean shows both. Thanks so much!


What to Get

I have no idea what I need and what's the best for my buck. Can any...

Diaper Bags

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7 answers

Which Is better--BOB or Baby Jogger??

I am looking into purchasing a quality baby jogger to get back into running. Before my 10 week old son was born, I was up to 30+ miles a week and running in several marathons or half marathons. I am really missing my long weekend runs....I hear great things about both the BOB running strollers & the official Baby Joggers, but if I am going to spend $300+ I want to make sure I get the jogger that works best for me. Does anyone know about them to compare the two? His car seat would be compatible for either one. Thanks!!


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16 answers

Bob Duallie Stroller at Disney?

We're going to Disney in a few weeks and I'm trying to decide what stroller to bring. We have a Bob Duallie that I love and I really want to bring but I don't know if it would be to big for the parks. I've heard it can be hard to navigate big strollers around people, etc. Also since they're not cheap I was planning on getting a stroller lock or bike lock when we would have to park it. We also have a sit n stand but that thing is such a pain to push around. Also, my kids are 6 months and 2.5 years. Any other disney tips are also...