My grandson is 3 1/2 and has been walking on his "tippy" toes since he first began to walk. He is a very bright and energetic child. He is over my house every week...
I need a little help here. I just transitioned my 13 month old from the infant car seat to a britax marathon. I have decided to keep my daughter facing backwards, p...
Ok, so my son attends a public school and they are doing a fund raising week for a child in their school district so that the child and their family can go to China a...
My daughter is 3, and only sporadically interested in using the potty. I'm considering switching from diapers to pull-ups to make using the potty easier. Rather than...
I have a seven month old that does not have any interest in eating baby food. He sometimes will eat from the spoon but cries and gags while swallowing and suffers fro...
Hi all my son just got afos they are a hard plastic foot support. They go only up to his ankle. However he says they hurt and make his feet to hot. Any suggestions wo...
My son is 9 and is a toe walker he want through casting and are doctor left. So we went to a new doctor and he does not delieve in the same things as the last doctor....
Our baby girl doesn't have a clear-cut diagnosis of Spina Bifida, but there is a possibility so I am writing to ask other mom's what to prepare for/plan on. Any advi...
Hi, I have a 21 month old daughter who has been severly delayed with her gross motor milestones (just started crawling at 18 months). She was diagnosed with "low tone...
I have a beautiful 11 month old son, he was born 10 weeks early, and was very sick at birth, i.e he was on a ventilator for 7 weeks, had chest tubes, and had ...