By Destination: Preschooler, Target

Results 1-10 from 408 articles

3-Year-old Doesn't Respond to Punishments/reinforcements

M.G. asks from Philadelphia

I have a 7yo boy and a 3 yo boy. For the 7yo when he was a toddler, we took away tv and toys and other priviliges as punishments for bad behavior. He responded as I...


Potty Training My Almost 3 Year Old

K.A. asks from Indianapolis

I know I see a lot on potty training but I was just wondering what the typical age for boys to be potty trained is? My son will be 3 in January and shows no interest...


Dream Vacation

J.A. asks from Los Angeles

I will be traveling to Hawaii for our annual vacation this month and would like some tips to make the trip as smooth as possible. I have two boys, a one year old and ...



H.A. asks from Chicago

Looking for places to stay in Haynnis Port MA. We also need family ideas to visit for things to do. We have a 3 yr old to entertain. We hope to stay at a place on ...


4 Year Old Pre-school

A.F. asks from San Francisco

My 4 1/2 year old son just moved in to a pre-K class. He has been in this school for over a year now and is well ajusted to his surroundings. This morning when I went...


Beach Vacation "Must Haves"

M.C. asks from Nashville

My husband and I are taking our kids on our very first big family vacation to the beach (Atlantic's Cinnamon Beach in Palm Coast, we will be safe from the o...


Does Your Family Do a "Family Night"?

P.E. asks from Atlanta

We have family night on Friday night. We call out for pizza or Chinese food. then watch a movie or play game. It usually end fairly early because our youngest cannot ...


How Do You Help a 3 Year Old Child Give up a Binky/pacifier?

T.D. asks from Salt Lake City

Hello! I have a son that is turning 3 years old in less than two weeks and he is VERY attached to his binky. We have tried to limit it's use to naps and nighttime b...


Almost 3 Year Old's SEVERE Dry Skin

C. asks from Chicago

My son's skin has always been real dry, but especially in the past year or so. I'm quickly running out of ideas on how to help it. He's almost 3 years old (will be ...


WDW - Vacation Planning

R.B. asks from Dallas

Ok I bring a fun question :) We have been saving for a while for WDW. I have a good book, i've been reading blogs and all kinds of website about WDW but truthfully ...