Budget: Myself, A&D

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35 answers

Switching to Cows Milk

I just started my 11 and a half month old daughter on whole milk, my question is, what is whole milk? I have used the horizons organic whole milk just because it says whole on the carton, however, it is pretty expensive and do not mind using the regular gallons. Is whole milk just vitamin d? or both a and d? Just wondering because I would like to save some money just because everything is more nowadays.


Starting a Budget

Hello! I'm a sahm whose looking for some good suggestions on how to do a...


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16 answers

Diaper Rash A&D?

Anything work better than A&D for a diaper rash? I can't seem to get rid of it.


A&D Ointment in Hair

My 2 year old son got into the A&D ointment and decided it would make good...