I'm asking for a bike trailer for my upcoming birthday. I'd like to get one for two little ones, and was wondering which ones are best? Please let me know which one...
My 5 year old grandson can not push the bike pedal, when he went for ocupational therapy they had an attachmedt on the pedal that the front of his foot would slide in...
Hi, I am looking into buying a bike trailer to haul my kids around the neighborhood. I really do not want to spend a lot of money for one of the high-end ones (Burle...
Please help!!! For the last 2 summers I have been trying to teach my now 6 year old daughter to ride her bike without training wheels. I think her biggest obstacle ...
I cannot for the life of me think of a good "big" gift for my youngest girl. The 4 year old is easy...but I can't think of a main gift that will not be a giant waste...
We're looking to purchase a safe, sturdy double bike trailer to use on a fairly regular basis for transport of our two daughters around town and would appreciate any ...
Looking for some feedback about your experience with either buying a jogger or buying a bike seat attachment. I'm trying to decide which would be more useful and als...
I have a always been a little overweight since i was about 15 years old but nothing serious,, I am now 25 and I have a 2 year old son who's father keeps me stressed b...
I kind of wanted to get the 2 seater bike trailers that I see everyone riding around with, but I want to get one (if at all possible) that is convertible into a doubl...
I was wondering if anybody knows a good place I could go too, where they will help me get a helmet for my 4yr old. I went to the store and tried them on, but I dont ...