So, I want to start biking, and I am considering doing a 25 mile Pedal For a Cause.
I have been scoping this bike for awhile, the reviews and price are great, but ...
Are there any activities that a 3 year old and an 18 month old can do together? I will be watching my 3 year old niece frequently and bringing my 18 month son with me.
Our dtr is almost 4.5 and she has a skuut and a bike with training wheels. My husband would like to the training wheels off but I'm not sure. How do you teach a child...
Hello all...I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this and could give me some advice. My son is five months old and I am very concerned about the flatness o...
Ok biking Mamas I need advice on tandem bikes for my girls 4 and 5 yrs old. I heard there are some that permanently attach to the adult's frame, some that easily deta...
My DH is buying me a bike for our anniversary and we are interested in getting either a kids trailer to pull along back or a seat so that I can take our daughter with...
Where we live, the only area to ride a bike is our turn around drive way. That said, my 8 year old can't ride his bike without training wheels. He relys on the too m...
We are buying our daughter a bike for her 3rd birthday. I just started looking at bike helmets and realized that this is a big decision (it protects her brai...
Our 8 year old daughter wants to ride her bike to the park with her friends. The park is about 4 or 5 blocks away in our subdivision. There is no way I can possibly ...
So we bought my son a Wee balance bike from Walmart for only 20 bucks last spring, when he was about 26 months old. He had just figured out how to pedal a tricycle an...