For moms whose child struggled to pedal a bike and even a tricycle, do they eventually just get it or should I seek other help from doctor or OT? My son will be 4 in ...
I want to get a seat to attach to my bike for my 2 1/2 year old so we can ride casually around town. I'm wondering if any one can advise whether to buy the kind that...
Hi - I'm ready to start biking with our soon-to-be 12-month old son and wanted to hear any thoughts on front vs. back child bike seats and bike seat vs. trailers. We ...
Hi Moms,
I wanted to pick your brains a little and see if any of you have experience in this area and can give me advice. My husband and I used to love to ride o...
Hi, Moms!
Does anybody have any tips/thoughts on using bike seats or trailers with toddlers? I bought a new bike late last fall, and I would like to get out and enj...
I have a very healthy 1 year old boy that is a FANTASTIC eater...he eats EVERYTHING. He's in the 35th percentile for weight and the 80th percentile for he'...
I know that 13 month old boys love to climb on stuff. I work at home and he stays home with me. My work at home job is just like being in an office in that I have to ...
I want to buy a seat so my 2 year old can go on bike rides with us. I have found two main kinds: the ones that go behind the rider and the ones that go in front. I wo...
Do you own one? If yes, does it work for you? Also is it safe? If you have it, how old is your child? I have a five year old daughter that I think is ready for it. Th...
My 2 year old never had issues before but now has severe constipation and we are trying some medicine for it and cutting back on binding foods but I was wondering if ...