I want to purchase a two-wheeler (with training wheels) for my 4 year old daughter, but since she will quickly outgrow it (RIGHT??), it just makes sense to get one we...
My child is 2 months old & I am anxious to get outside once it stops snowing! What is the best investment- a jogging stroller or a bike trailer with accessories (ie....
So, I want to start biking, and I am considering doing a 25 mile Pedal For a Cause.
I have been scoping this bike for awhile, the reviews and price are great, but ...
Ok biking Mamas I need advice on tandem bikes for my girls 4 and 5 yrs old. I heard there are some that permanently attach to the adult's frame, some that easily deta...
We are buying our daughter a bike for her 3rd birthday. I just started looking at bike helmets and realized that this is a big decision (it protects her brai...
My son is almost 18 months old and with the weather finally turning nice I would like to start riding my bike. My son is too big for the type of seat that would moun...
My husband and I just bought new bikes and now need a bike trailer for our 2 year old daughter. We'd like to keep the cost under $300 if possible. Any suggesti...
Hi, I am looking into buying a bike trailer to haul my kids around the neighborhood. I really do not want to spend a lot of money for one of the high-end ones (Burle...
We're looking to purchase a safe, sturdy double bike trailer to use on a fairly regular basis for transport of our two daughters around town and would appreciate any ...
I kind of wanted to get the 2 seater bike trailers that I see everyone riding around with, but I want to get one (if at all possible) that is convertible into a doubl...