Behavior: Myself, Weight Watchers

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15 answers

Need to Lose 10 Lbs. Weight Watchers Or ??

Hi Moms, I want to lose the 10 pounds (or so) that have been hanging around since winter 2010! I'm terrible at dieting. I used to be able to just cut back a bit and lose the weight, but as I get older that's tougher. Do any of you recommend Weight Watchers or another diet that has really worked for you? How is WW different than just doing your own portion control and cutting back? I'm interested in something like South Beach, too, b/c it seems so effective, but I'm not great at cutting out foods I love, especially when I'm making them...


Weight Loss Help

Okay, mommas. I am starting to get frustrated. I want to start trying to...


Zyrtec and Behavior

I have a 6 year old daughter who has allergies which seem to crop up this...