Behavior: Medela

Results 11-20 from 29 articles

SID- Sensory Intergration Disorder

J.S. asks from Las Vegas

I am wondering if any of you moms have had experience with Sensory Integration Disorder? My 3 year old son has been recently diagnosed and I know is what I have been...


Milk Supply Going Down

B.B. asks from San Francisco

I have a 5 month old daughter that I have breast fed since she was born. I went back to work 2.5 months ago, so I pump 3 times a day for 20 minutes each to get milk ...


I Dont Make Enough Milk. HELP!

M.B. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms, I've never had a lot of milk and I've been taking Fenugreek and nursing tea from week 4. I drink 2-3 liters of water a day and I pump 4 times a day. ...


Is My Baby Getting Enough to Eat?

M.G. asks from Cleveland

Just this week it seems that my baby has not had enough to eat. He is 3 months old and I have been nursing exclusively. He has been nursing more frequently and in t...


Low Milk Supply and Herbal Supplements

J.F. asks from Columbus

I am exclusively breastfeeding my almost 5 mo old son. He has dairy and soy intollerances (blood in his stool and diarhea). Other than that, he is a big, healthy boy ...


BPA In Baby Bottles

A.M. asks from Spartanburg

I have been reading a lot lately about BPA in baby bottles. I am starting to get concerned that the bottles I have been giving my daughter for the past 8 months may ...


9 Month Old That Won't Eat.

C.G. asks from San Antonio

Help! I have a 9 month old that I have trouble with every meal time. She will only eat fruit and now she is even starting to turn some of those away. She turns her he...


Trying to Introduce Bottle to Breastfed Baby

C.R. asks from Eugene

I am changing this request completely. My 6 week breastfed baby spits up all the breastmilk we try to feed her from the bottle. We tried to introduce the bottle to ...


Weaning from Breast to Bottle

B.Y. asks from Providence

Hi everyone! This is my first post & I'm hoping to hear from some moms with similar experiences or who can offer some advice on how to ease into bottlefeeding from t...


My Baby Wont Breastfeed!!!

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

I had a C-section five days ago and had a beautiful baby girl. My milk didnt come until yesterday. I gave my baby formula milk for four days. Now try as I might she w...