I took your advice and bought a Graco Snug Ride infant car seat. We LOVE it and appreciate all the recommendations. Our previous car seat fit on the top of shopping ...
My 6 1/2 month old son weighs 19lbs 7oz, and is fast outgrowing his infant car seat. My baby has an almost 3 yr old brother, and we go out a lot to playgrounds, hikin...
My hubby and I are arguing over what to bring with us to Spain. We're traveling with a 6 month old boy, and will be taking mainly public transport (trains/buses/plan...
Alright ladies, I apologize for the million posts and questions, but I always find good advice here :)
A little backgound: we are headed to San Diego Saturday to see...
We are traveling to Florida via plane with a 2.5 yr old and a 6 month old. I was planning on taking the infant carrier but not the toddlers car seat (we will have on...
Hey everyone! So here's a question for you. We have a 2 year old who's in the Britax Marathon which we have front facing now, but which works great as a rear facing...
I want to thank all of you for your help with my other posts, I really appreciate it. You have all been so much help, I thought I would pick your brains again...
We are traveling by air to LA for the 1st time with our 2yr old twins and 8mo old infant (her age in Oct. when we travel). I talked to Alaska Air and they said we can...
So it's been 8 years since I last had a baby to care for. I am expecting again and am at a loss for what I really need and trying to prioritize. I have looked at many...
We are going on vacation to the beach. This will be the first big family vacation since my husband and I have had children. We have a 3 3/4 year old boy, a just tur...