Baby Swings: Infant, Baby Bjorn

Results 71-80 from 414 articles

Expecting Our First Baby, Need ALL Sorts of Help!

K.L. asks from San Diego

My husband and I are expecting our first baby at the end of January. I just feel at lost for what to expect about anything and everything. We are so exciting about ...


Colic Baby

A.H. asks from Oklahoma City

I could need some help. I have a 4 week old son and he is crying 24/7. I'm so excausted. To the beginn i was breastfeeding him, but then my milk went away. I only got...


My Baby Has Colic

L.V. asks from Dallas

Hey guys, I have a 5 week old with colic. I am breastfeeding him, and have tried taking out dairy, spicy foods, raw veggies and caffine. Nothing has helped. I have tr...


Best Hands Free Baby Carrier

M.S. asks from Washington DC

I have a very active 2.5 year old son and we are expecting a baby in Feb. I would love to hear some real world mom advice on what is the best hands free baby carri...


2 Week-old Baby with Reflux

E.F. asks from Baton Rouge

My 2 week-old daughter has gastroesophageal reflux (GER) which causes her to regurgitate a lot and makes her extremely uncomfortable. I am writing for some advice on...


Is It Ok to Have a Baby Shower for Your Third?

B.B. asks from Jacksonville

Is it okay to have a baby shower for your third baby. Because my first two were so close together we had a small shower and never really got much besides a few clothe...


Sleep in Crib or Hold the Baby All Day?

M.L. asks from Philadelphia

It has been 10 years since my last baby, so maybe I am just not remembering well, but my 2 week old baby sleeps only for 15 minutes in her co-sleeper or crib and the...


6 Week Old High-Need Baby

R.R. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 6 weeks old and wants to be held all the time, we have tried a bouncer, a swing and even the stroller but does not like to be in these places; he will cry e...


How Can I Help My Baby's Head Shape Properly?

C.R. asks from San Diego

My baby girl is 11 weeks old now. Two weeks ago she had a check up with her pediatrician and everything looked perfect. Everything except for the fact that the Dr. ...


Happiest Baby on the Block.

M.. asks from St. Louis

Have you read it? My baby has colic from hell, and its been suggested by a few that I read it in my spare time. Spare time...*snicker*.