Albuterol: Teen

Results 11-20 from 38 articles

Is Anyone Else Dealing with Adult Onset Asthma?

H.Y. asks from Utica

In 1998, an estimated 17 million Americans, or 6.4 percent of the population, had asthma. Today, asthma is on the rise. Theories point to increased levels of air pol...


Breathing Treatments & Behavior - Please Give Advice

D.B. asks from Dallas

My 2 1/2 year old daughter has an upper respiratory infection with wheezing and some fast breathing. They put her on breathing treatments with xopenex solution. Thi...


HELP! My Baby Will Not Fall Asleep on His Own

K.S. asks from Port St. Lucie

I have a 11 month old who will not fall asleep on his own lately. I have tried letting him CIO and he cried for over 3 hours and was still awake. I have had to snug...


H1N1 (Swine Flu) Questions

L.J. asks from Birmingham

I would love to hear from someone who has had a school age child with the H1N1 flu virus. I know we hear on the news about the potential deaths but the regular flu c...


Child with Asthma

M.G. asks from Green Bay

I have a 8 year old daughter that was unofficially diagnosed with asthma this past August. She has been on Neb treatments almost all her life when she gets sick. Mul...


Advice on Allergies and Asthma in 4 Year Old

D.G. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will be 4 in July and we have had two trips to the ER since January due to coughing fits and once by ambulance because she stopped breathing (found out sh...


Are Daily Treatments a Good Idea?

V.S. asks from San Antonio

My 3 year old has bad allergies which sometimes create breathing problems. The allergist wants him to take Singular every day and do a nebulizer treatment every nigh...


How long to wait for infant breathing treatments for wheezing?

C.C. asks from Dallas

My 4 month old son has had a persistent cough for the last couple of weeks and we took him to the doctor yesterday to make sure everything was okay. Doc said that th...


How and at What Age Was Your Childs Asthma Diagnosed?

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

My 19 month old starts to cough after running circles around the house (which she likes to do with my 6 year old in the evening). Not too terribly hard, but every tim...


Prednisone for Croup??

S.E. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, My 5 year old has a history of respiratory infections (pneumonia, croup) and currently has a relatively mild case of croup. She has the cough but is in gre...