After School: Princess

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5 answers

Looking for Dance Class

I would like to start my 5 and 3 yr old girls in some type of dance class. However, I'm new to the Indy area and every place I've called looking for classes only caters to adults. I had no idea there was that much of a market for adult dance classes, but oh well. Anyway, I'd like to find something in the Castleton, Fishers or Broad Ripple areas for proximity to the house. Also, I need some place that has evening classes. Any help is most appreciated. Also, any ideas on when to start music lessons? My oldest daughter is showing an...

Home Alone

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27 answers

"My Princess Boy" and "What Would You Do"...

I have a little girl (two actually) that are 1/2 princess, 1/2 tomboy. My 3 y/o has an iron man mask, pirate costumes, police costumes, as well as princess and fairy costumes. I have no issue with her playing with trucks or trains or cars. I seriously cannot understand why it's so "unheard" of to have boys play house or barbies. How many of you moms would be weirded out if your boy would be intersested in this kind of play? I have no boys yet, but my hubby agrees with me.


Staying Home Alone

What age did you start letting your children stay home alone? How long did...


Kids Home Alone

Hello to All, I always have the images of 'Home alone" and what risks I...