Acid Reflux & GERD: Toddler, Similac

Results 61-70 from 574 articles

Reflux in 4 Month Old

J.D. asks from New York

I was wondering if anyone has had any issues with reflux in their infants. At 4 months my son weighed 9 lbs. (He was 4 lbs 9 oz at birth.) A week later he lost som...


My 3 Month Has Horrible Acid Reflex

S.S. asks from Milwaukee

My son has acid reflex and has been on 2 different medications for it and on similac alimentum and nothing is working. We have to feed him up right then keep him sit...


Does My Baby Have Reflux??

N.O. asks from Detroit

I have an almost 4 week old baby. He's already on Similac Alimentum for the past week and a half because of him projectile vomiting and being extremely fussy and gas...


Unhappy with Similac Sensitive, Painful Gas, Crying Baby. Good Start? Soy? Alim?

A.R. asks from New York

Hi all, my now 3 month old (2nd son, 13 mo apart), is super uncomfortable, with gas, pains, tummy issues. always has been. three or four relatives have said he's co...


Four Month Old Constant Crying-is It Colic, Acid Reflux, Lactose Intolerance?

R.G. asks from Albuquerque

I have a four month old that doesn't stop crying and has been this way since birth. At our 4 month check-up the doctor prescribed Zantac for acid reflux. Our baby i...


Reflux Medication

S.M. asks from Norfolk

Hi, I posted on here a couple months ago about my son having reflux. Well, I have a few questions. He has been seen by a gi specialist who has him taking prilosec and...


Signs of Reflux

K. asks from San Antonio

Can anyone tell me what the signs of acid reflux are in a newborn? My daughter is a month old and formula fed. After she finishes a bottle she always sounds like she ...


3 Month Old with Reflux "Spitting Up"

L. asks from Dallas

My sweet and wonderful 3 month old has acid reflux. We are controlling the acid with 15mg of Prevacid daily and, with that, the pain now seems to be under control. ...


Similac Alimentum Spit up Issue

L.S. asks from Detroit

I have tried 5 formulas now for my 2 1/2 month old son. Started with Enfamil Newborn, which made him gassy and constipated, then went to gentleease, which still made ...


Infant Reflux

B.M. asks from Detroit

I need some advice on how to help my daughter with her reflux. The doctors say she is colicky but not all the time. She gets fussy alot, pulls away from the bottle, c...