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Discipline & Behavior Questions

Updated Sep 21, 2024

Is It Normal for a 14 Month Old to Be Hitting?

July 10, 2007 by Kristin N. - Maple Lake, MN

My 14 month old will hit my husband and I when she is mad. She'll do this when we take something away or say "no" to...


My Mom Thinks I Discipline Too Harshly...?!

July 20, 2008 by Emilee H. - Minneapolis, MN

My mother and I have a love, hate relationship. I have a four year old daughter that has a few behavior problems and ...


22 Month Old Waking Every Hour All Night Long

November 25, 2006 by Stacey F. - Saint Paul, MN

Hi, We are at our wits end! Our 22 month old has been waking anywhere from 4-7 times a night for the past 6+ weeks....


Advice on My 2 Year Old Who Will Not Nap

August 20, 2006 by Janel M. - Minneapolis, MN

Recently, my 23 month old daughter has stopped going down for her nap. We still do the same routine of readiing stor...


Help! My Squirmy Toddler Will Not Lay Still for Diaper Changes

November 06, 2007 by Stay at home mom M. - Saint Paul, MN

Lately my 19 mo old has become very active when it comes time to change her diaper. She screams, kicks, twists and t...


1 Year Old Whiner

July 18, 2007 by Marisa . - Minneapolis, MN

I would just like some input on whining. My precious little perfect baby boy has entered a whining stage. He whines...


My Kids Keep Coming into Our Bed at Night

January 16, 2008 by Sue W. - Minneapolis, MN

My husband and I agreed on a family bed when our first child was born so nursing would be easier; now we have 2 and s...


Ideas on How to Get 15 Month Old to Sleep on Own

August 27, 2006 by brandee F. - Inver Grove Heights, MN

I am looking for advice on how to get my 15 month old to sleep on her own. We used books and rocking to get her off b...


Two Year Old Running..

May 20, 2008 by Heidi H. - Minneapolis, MN

So I know that they are called terrible twos for a reason. My little girl has been taking off running away from me an...


Preteen Attitude

August 13, 2007 by Liz T. - Minneapolis, MN

I have a 10 year old who doesn't listen or seem to comprehend what we are saying to him. We need to repeat requests o...