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Discipline & Behavior Questions

Updated Sep 21, 2024

Bedtime Battles

April 18, 2007 by Nicole J. - Minneapolis, MN

Okay---moms help me out here... I am having issues getting my toddler to bed, nothing is consistant with what he d...


Advice on What to Do About My Sister's Parenting

April 12, 2007 by Jessica C. - Minneapolis, MN

I need a little advice. My older sister has 2 little girls - ages 5 and 3. She works full time as an attorney and h...


Diaper Changing Struggle

January 14, 2009 by Tracy C. - Minneapolis, MN

My son is 17 months old and it has been a struggle with him for a good 6 months now when it comes to diaper changes, ...


Friends Child Hitting My Daughter, Need Advice!

January 01, 2009 by Melissa P. - Big Lake, MN

I met a mom through a Mom's type of forum in my same town I live in. I met her over the summer, and we did several pl...


Active 18 M That Is Starting Tantrums

March 25, 2008 by Sandra H. - Hastings, MN

My son is 18 months old and gets into EVERYTHING! I have noticed that he has started to throw tantrums when he doesn'...


Creative Child.....alittle to Creative!

October 12, 2006 by Magan S. - Alexandria, MN

Hi! I am a daycare provider that had a new family start about a month ago. The little girl is almost five years old. ...


Disciplining Triplets

January 23, 2007 by Alaina T. - Hallock, MN

Ok, I have 15 mo old triplets and when one of them does something naughty and I am telling them no, one of the other ...


Any Tips on Cleaning Skills for Kids?

February 13, 2008 by Katja L. - Minneapolis, MN

My 5 year old triplet daughters leave quite the tornado of toys by the end of the day.We are trying to instill a mott...


7 Yr Old Boy Pouts & Mopes

May 30, 2008 by Mara O. - Minneapolis, MN

My son will turn 8 in September. He is more of a loner but is generally a happy go lucky kid. Lately he seems sad a...


Daughter Prefers Me over Her Dad

June 16, 2008 by L Y. - Minneapolis, MN

My 2yr old daughter prefers me over her dad. For the past month or so she has become very clingy. Whether I'm doing d...