Explore the best toys, games, and gear for kids of all ages—share reviews, safety tips, and ideas to keep playtime exciting and educational.
- by systemExplore the best toys, games, and gear for kids of all ages—share reviews, safety tips, and ideas to keep playtime exciting and educational. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by katiebangertHas anyone seen Thomas the Train Valentine Cards in stores? I have checked Target and Walmart, but can't find them. I know I can buy them on ebay, but they are double if not triple the normal price. Please let me know if you have seem them anywhere! Thanks. 2 posts – 1 participant Read […]
- by Michelle_B28We are finally ready to make the "leap" to a big girl bed for our daughter. However, we don't want a toddler bed that she will out grow in a year or two. We are looking for a regular twin/full size bed that she will be able to use for a while. She has also […]
- by Gina_G4Hi, I am looking for one of those (usually) felt calendars for kid's rooms that you hang on the wall and they have detachable velcro dates, letters, weather pics, etc. I thought Lillian Vernon would have this, but I can't find it on their site. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks, moms! 6 posts – […]
- by lovingbeingamomMy older children love to play on the Webkinz websight. My kids think it would be fun to get their little sister, she is 5, a Jr. Webkinz. Does anyone have one? Is the websight good and do you children like it? Thanks! 2 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by Jaz_RWe're thinking about buying a wooden play structure for our backyard, but a friend of mine who has one says that the wood attracts a lot of spiders. She said that if she had it to do over again, she'd get a metal or plastic swing set instead. I like the wooden structures, because they […]
- by Elizabeth_SmockMy DS has wanted an ATM bank for at least a year, and we just got him one for Christmas at Bed Bath & Beyond. He loved it at first, but it doesn't always read the coins correctly, and won't read bills at all, so now he wants a different one. He really thinks he […]
- by lisa.rosenberg_1We just bought a swingset from Costco and were looking to get it installed… Was wondering if anyone used swingsetman.com (Russ Huber)? if so – thoughts? Any other recommendations (I live in Montgomery County, PA). Thanks. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by bethc_9I am wanting to get more info into my 2 year old "sponge". She already knows her shapes, numbers and colors, so we are moving on to her abc's. Anyone recommend a great toy for teaching letters and their names? I am thinking something simple, like a push button talking toy that just has letters, […]
- by bethc_9We bought our 9 year old a DSi for her b-day today and 1 game. Her party is this weekend. We want to get her another game to go with it, but are also wondering about accesories. What have your kids loved with it? Should we buy the case too? 5 posts – 1 participant […]
- by melissajpowersI'm trying to find SAFE sandbox sand for my daughter's new sandbox. From what I read, most "play sand" is actually not all that safe. I have been able to find some safe options online, but the shipping costs are astronomical & simply not an option. I'm hoping to find something locally or perhaps someone […]
- by lovingbeingamomMy daughter really wants the Caillou figures and or Caillou treehouse for her Birthday. They no longer make these. I have looked on Ebay and they are very expensive. Does anyone have any ideas where I can get the figures? If you have them and no longer play with them, we would be willing to […]
- by 3boysand3girlsMy daughter is turning 4 this week and she really wants a dance mat. I have read many mixed reviews on lots of items. Im thinking about the original DDR for the Wii- but not sure if it has easy settings for her. (this one everyone could enjoy) Does anyone own one for the preschooler? […]
- by laura.wittyI am going to go out and buy something to organize the piles of toys we have accumulated in our house over the last 4 years – after a good "purge" of course. The Christmas influx has now completely overloaded the plastic bins we already have to hold our 50 million match box cars, art […]
- by momof_3We had no intentions of purchasing these, but my oldest son received one as a Christmas gift from a friend…now little brother wants one too and we of course don't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money for one. Any suggestions?? Are we going to have to pay a fortune or be out of […]
- by 5lilladiesI was wondering if anybody knows where I could get ice skates for my 4yr old daughter. Her shoe size is 7.5-8 depending on the shoe. The smallest I have found in stores is an 8. I bought the 8 and will try it for Christmas, but I have a feeling it is going to […]
- by ruberumI'm looking for a store in Dallas/Plano/Richardson that sells Ben Ten watches, toys, etc…at reasonable prices. Any leads would be greatly appreciated! =) 4 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by tjohnson_32has anyone seen these at any stores? Kohls had them after thanksgiving but, are now sold out. help! i have checked ebay and amazon but, they are going for $200-$300. they were at Kohls for $30. 3 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by tiffanicurtisHey Friends! Help! My 4 yr old told Santa today that she wants a rudolph with a red flashing nose?? Apparently a friend has one at school…ugh! If you have an idea of where I could find one I would appreciate it! I have tried Walgreens, CVS, Lowes, Sears, Toys R Us, and other small […]
- by paulaamooreHi Moms, Our toddler only wants a violin for Christmas. Anyhow we ordered one and it came yesterday but it is cracked. Needless to say I am disappointed and not sure if we can get a replacement in time for Christmas morning. Does anyone know of any stores in the area that carry toy violins? […]