Pregnancy Complications

Share experiences, seek advice, and find support for navigating high-risk pregnancies, health concerns, and unexpected challenges during pregnancy.

  • by system
    Share experiences, seek advice, and find support for navigating high-risk pregnancies, health concerns, and unexpected challenges during pregnancy. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by gdinwoodie
    I know every pregnant woman HATES the glucose test. I'm especially one of them!!! I don't even like orange soda nor am I big on sweets which goes against this drink in every way. So I've had 3 pregnancy's and each one I have failed the 1hr test. The numbers have been slightly above where […]
  • by workingon2nd
    Hello Moms, I am currently at home on modified bedrest after having a cerclage on Friday 1/15. I am looking for a couple of items that might make being at home (and sometimes working from home) more comfortable. Any specific items, websites, stores, or any out-of-the-box ideas that help me to achieve the same goal […]
  • by anastasialiosatos
    I am 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant. About a week ago I experienced very heavy bleeding with no pain. I went to the doctor, sure that I had miscarried. To my and my husband's shock, the ultrasound revealed the baby, heart beating and developing normally. My doctor said it was a blood clot, but […]
  • by Jackie_S4
    I'm pregnant with my 3rd & had an ultrasound done today. I am 20.5 weeks along. They did an ultrasound today and we saw that I have a low-lying placenta, and it is very close to my cervix. They said that I have plenty of time for this "problem" to fix itself. However, if it […]
  • by Jennifer_M53
    On Dec. 30th I went for my 12-week ultrasound and they discovered that the baby had stopped developing at 8w5d and had no heartbeat. I was scheduled for a d&c on Mon., January 4. The procedure went well and I've been feeling fine, just a little tired. My bleeding stopped on Sunday. Today, all of […]
  • by bsurber
    After 6 months of trying for #2 I am finally pregnant. However, when I took the test at the beginning of Dec. it came out neg. I assumed I wasn't pregnant. I had scheduled a dr appt months ago to discuss fertility meds and it's next week. I didn't take another preg test again b/c […]
  • by braydensmommy740
    Hi i am 28 weeks pregnant and today at the dr office i tested high on my glucose tolorance test and they are sending me for the 4 hr one at the hospital i did this same thing with my first son. But my first son never measured this far ahead. I measure 31.5 weeks […]
  • by eabowerman
    Hello Moms! I am 28 weeks with my second boy and I have been struggling with RLS for a couple of months now, and finally, I am desperate for help. Last night was really miserable! I have a 2.5 year old who is really active during the day, so sometimes napping isn't an option to […]
  • by a_oea_ea_uda
    My sister-in-law just got pregnant after years of trying. She's maybe 1 month to 6 weeks along. She has a dr. appt. on Monday, but I just talked to her and she's having some abdominal cramping. She says it's not the lower abdominal pain that you have with a period, more like the kind when […]
  • by ccturtle
    Hi Moms, I need your advice and your hope. This past summer I had a missed miscarriage. I went into the doctor at 8 weeks feeling fine and there was no heart beat. Test concluded that the baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks and my hormone levels were dropping. My body still held on […]
  • by Debbie_B
    Hi Moms. I have a 20-month-old son, and I suffered pretty severe PPD after his birth. Even though I found treatment when he was about 8 weeks old and felt better over time, there have been residual effects from it that I feel I am now just getting over. PPD really turned our lives upside […]
  • by cherisa.zafft
    My friend is 26 weeks along with twin girls and has been put on strict bed rest. She has a 2-year-old daughter and a husband as well as family nearby to help but I'd like to do something for her. She will hopefully be headed home from the hospital tomorrow or Friday. I've offered to […]
  • by Laine_W
    I am wondering what you all think about using valtrex in my last 2 weeks of pregnancy to suppress the chance of having an HSV outbreak. I have one currently and am nervous about having one when I go into labor b/c if the sore is in my birthing area I will have to have […]
  • by MommyD_1
    Hello mamas! I'm 24 weeks preggers with a boy and ever since my 2nd month of pregnancy, I am not able to sleep more than 4 to 5 hours at a time. (Prior to being pregnant, I always got 8 hours of sleep every night!) I have no trouble falling asleep, it's staying asleep or […]
  • by Andrea_R6
    A very close friend of mine recently gave birth to her "2nd" child a few days ago. I say "2nd" child because she gave birth to her first back in May of 2009. Her baby was only 21 weeks and he passed away in the womb. After many many tests were run they determined the […]
  • by cac70
    With my first pregnancy (a boy), I had only 3 or 4 times where I was extremely nauseous – overwhelmingly so – thought I'd throw up, but never did. Each of these few times only lasted about 5-10 minutes long and never happened more than once in a day. With my second pregnancy (a girl), […]
  • by laura.moran.walton
    Hello ladies: I'm about 14 weeks into my second pregnancy and am already noticing carpal tunnel symptoms: primarily numb hands/fingers at night. I had trouble with this in my first pregnancy, but it didn't start until 6 months or so–so I'm freaking out at having symptoms this early! I tried hand splints with my first, […]
  • by bethmuell
    I am attempting to avoid a Csection at all costs (Aside from Baby's Health so please no negative posts on that aspect). I am over 33 weeks pregnant but have started to dilate- 2cm from fingertip last week, 50% effaced. I had a positive fetal fibronectin last week and had two nights of cramping with […]
  • by MomOf8_3
    I am pregnant with my 3rd. I am 6 weeks along and I am just so exhausted I can barely function, it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I remember feeling this way with the first 2 but never this bad. I am also so nauseous constantly. I feel like I want to […]
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