Discuss anything pregnancy-related that doesn’t fit elsewhere—unique experiences, questions, and stories are welcome!
- by systemDiscuss anything pregnancy-related that doesn’t fit elsewhere—unique experiences, questions, and stories are welcome! 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by Angela_C13Hi, I am 6-weeks pregnant and really don't have many pregnancy signs. When I was pregnant the first time, I had sore breasts, very fatigued, frequent urination, food adversions. Anyways, this really isn't true this time. The only signs I have had this time is headaches and I have been hungry. For moms that have […]
- by angelaranaeOk… I am on the pill and normally get my periods right before I start taking the brown pills when your period is to start. So I get it like 2-3 days before then and lasts up until the end of the brown pills. I should of got my period around Jan 12-13thish. I have […]
- by Megan_T3First pregnancy seemed to be text book, no period, nasea, all the normal (yet yucky) symptoms. We have been trying for about 6 months for another, but i am having the weirdest symptoms the last few months: In November, i was 2 weeks late then got a regular period. In December, my period was right […]
- by LivTokyoI'm on my second pregnancy, and I was very nauseous for the first 5 months of my first pregnancy, especially in the evenings. I didn't vomit much, but felt sick all of the time. I spent basically the first 5 months lying on the couch alternately sipping peppermint and ginger teas. For this pregnancy, that […]
- by mkayewAnyone have any good places they picked up maternity clothes especially in the larger sizes? I just recently found out that my local walmart discontinued their maternity clothes. I want to find some that are inexpensive as I am due at the end of March and only would be wearing the clothes for a short […]
- by berlendyI am the mom to an only child and recently my husband let me know that if we wanted to have another child we could. (This is after I had resigned myself to being the mother to an only child)I am concerned about a few issues and was wondering if I could get some input […]
- by Holly_D2I am 16 weeks pregnant and desperately need maternity clothes. Where are the best places to find them? I already went to Target and Motherhood. Wasn't too impressed. Maybe I am just extremely picky. Another thing is I am having terrible pain in my right buttock. I am assuming it's sciatica. Is there any thing […]
- by Marisa_FDear moms: I have had pretty much from the start of this pregnancy, funny pains that radiated only on the right side of my uterus and upwards –again always on the right side. To make things worse, I have found out that my gallbladder is acting up as well – here we go – more […]
- by Holly_DI had a d&c on Dec 18th after finding out that my baby stopped developing at 6 weeks. I would have been 9 weeks. So the holidays were pretty grim at my house. But I've gotten through them and have gone back to work and am really feeling good mentally and physically. I have a […]
- by ritaragusa2002Hi all, I am 20 weeks pregnant with my second child and I'm experiencing the numbing of my hands and tingling in my fingers. Sometimes its achy and painful. I had the same thing for the first pregnancy that got worse as my pregnancy progressed and had to wear braces on both my hands as […]
- by Judy_GI'm 13 weeks pregnant with our second baby, and last Thursday I started having an itchy rash on random spots of my body. They look like tiny little bumps (sometimes the color of my skin and other times more inflamed and red). The bumps started on the backs of my hands and now it's on […]
- by busy.lifeWe just found out we are pregnant with #3!! A few things I'd like to ask for some advice on are, 1)What types of slings did any of you use that you loved? My 2nd baby and this one are going to be much closer in age, and I didn't find a sling that really […]
- by Momof2princessesI have asked about this before but now I have a different question. I am at 24 weeks and just had our second ultrasound, one at 20 weeks and now this one at 24. I am having a little girl and she is measureing 2 weeks bigger, so 26 weeks unstead of 24. I know […]
- by allannahluvI was sleeping and woke up in a huge wet spot! I am due one week from today. However i have not been having very many contractions. My husband is convinced i just peed in the bed, but the fluid was on my legs and it was a white cloudy color. Does anyone know what […]
- by babydoii1981HI Ladies, I am looking for a prenatal yoga class in nassau county.. Anyone know of any? Thanks! 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by laurenaterrellI went in last week at 10.5 weeks of pregnancy only to find that I'd miscarried. Went in at 6.5 weeks and baby was "on track" with a strong heartbeat, etc. I have two healthy children who were both products of healthy pregnancies. While I realize miscarriage early in pregnancy is quite common, I'm struggling. […]
- by kanewmanAbout a month ago, my husband and I lost a little boy about half way through the pregnancy. It was the hardest thing that has ever happened to me (having to deliver your baby knowing that you will never take him home with you). Now we are finally at a point where we can actually […]
- by Trisha_RWe were recently surprised by a positive pregnancy test! So I started looking into my insurance to make sure we had coverage and we don't! Our policy is through BCBS, and I was told by a rep that I can add maternity benefits but there is a 270 day pre-existing clause, that obviously if I […]
- by misspackHere's my current situation: I am married with 4 children, our youngest is 5 sand I just found out that I am indeed carrying child #5!!!! This is completely unexpected but I am just thrilled. My husband will not have the same response. Sooo, how is the most gentle way to "break the news" to […]