Learn about your baby’s growth and milestones during pregnancy. Share updates, ask questions, and discuss everything from ultrasounds to developmental stages.
- by systemLearn about your baby’s growth and milestones during pregnancy. Share updates, ask questions, and discuss everything from ultrasounds to developmental stages. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by klnightlingerI just had my 20 week ultra sound. The doc said all looks good, but he would like to monitor the growth of the baby in later pregnancy because the umbilical cord is attached to the edge of the placenta rather than the center. Because the blood vessels are smaller around the edge it may […]
- by a_Mom_of_4aI'm due in July and would just like someone to talk to about the changes you go through while we are going through them. This is my first pregnancy to make it past 6 weeks so I am a bit scared. 7 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by BPayne_1I am wondering if there are any moms out there who choose NOT to have the Quad Screening done during pregnancy. Also, what were your reasoning and did you have to convince your doctor that you didn't want the testing. 21 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by mzrieseyAt our 20 week ultrasound we found out our baby has enlarged kidneys. We have seen a specialist and will continue to be monitored. Does anyone have experience with this? What were you told by your doctors and what measures did you have to take before and after your baby was born? Please share any […]
- by lchiodo80I have PCOS and my husband and I tried for 15 months before we got pregnant. Apparently I had never even ovulated before, but a month after I started seeing an acupuncturist, I started ovulating. Two months later, we were pregnant. Because of the PCOS, my cycles are long (approx. 35 days), so I didn't […]
- by _3sugarbabiesHey moms, I am 36 weeks pregnant. Last Monday, at just 35 weeks my dr. ordered an ultrasound and it showed me as 37 weeks. So I am guessing today I would show 38 weeks were I to go for an ultrasound. Anyway, when I was prego with my first they measured him by u/s […]
- by Ladybug_16Subject pretty much says it but I am 20 wks now and seem to be showing a lot more. I know you can with a second pregnancy but I'm pretty round. I also feel hungrier this time and was wondering if carrying a big ol boy was the reason. He must have heard that comment […]
- by 1123I am hoping that someone can offer me a glimmer of hope. I am not sure how far along I am cause I dont know when my last period was. I found out I was pregnant the day before Thanksgiving and that is all I have to go off of. I had some spotting so […]
- by Sarah_B18Okay, this seems a little odd and I'm probably just being an overly anxious mom so I have to ask for my own sanity:-). I am about 27 weeks pregnant with my second child and this pregnancy has been especially challenging. For several weeks I've felt minor cramping, reminiscent of "I think I'm about to […]
- by katie_170I need some reassurance. Anyone ever has a Maternal Serum Screen come back abnormal for Trisomy 18? I have an ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday, but I have to freak out for a few days first. He says there's a 1 in 74 chance of a problem, so the odds are decent. Please tell me if […]
- by buzzyloverHi Mamas, I am 34 weeks pregnant and have known for about 10 weeks that our baby has club feet. I guess it turned up on one of the routine ultrasounds and since then we have been monitored by a maternal fetal specialist (for this and other uterine complications). Being 2 weeks away from delivery, […]
- by Susan_R4Hello Mamas! My sister-in-law is newly pregnant with her first child and is very excited about the little angel growing inside of her. I thought a PERFECT Christmas gift for both her and my brother this year would be a home-use fetal doppler, or a home fetal monitoring system. I had the "Bebe" model myself […]
- by easley99agsHi Mamas, I'm a nervous wreck. I just found out I'm pregnant. I hurt my back a couple weeks ago and had some xrays taken at a chiropractor's office. I think they did about five or six pics of my torso. I'm so nervous. Is that level of radiation harmful? Please pray for this baby. […]
- by Alicia_GourleyI am desperate for any good news……I have had early miscarriages in the two previous cycles. I am currently between 6-8 weeks pregnant, measurements have not been consistent. However, I have had a small amount of spotting every 4 or 5 days, a loss of "feeling" pregnant. My HCG levels went from 40,000 to 39,000 […]
- by whitney7I just went in for another doctor's appointment. I'm 21 weeks along. Two weeks ago I had an amniocentesis. All results are normal. The ultrasound today once again showed an absence of a nasal bone. Has anyone heard of this before? We also have an issue with the spine. It seems to be pointed at […]
- by Barefoot_MamaHi there everyone, I'm just wondering how early you felt your baby move, particularly the 2nd or 3rd, when you knew what it really felt like? I'm only 13 weeks along, but I swear I am feeling movement. Not strong kicks, but definitely sensations. I didn't feel my first son until I was 17 weeks […]
- by shelle10901Alright ladies, I need your wisdom and insight. I recently found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago. I went in for an ultrasound because I had some spotting a slight cramping. The ultrasound showed that everything was normal, we even saw the heartbeat:) I went in for a follow up ultrasound last week […]
- by Angela_V1Ok, Moms, I need some advice. I just found out we're pregnant with baby #2 (5wks), but am still nursing our 15 month old before bed each night. I was planning to continue to do this at least until the end of flu season in February. Now, I was wondering if nursing would take away […]
- by Danielle_BareOk, had an anatomical ultrasound yesterday. All checked out well and I'm having boy number two (YEAH). During this US they were checking blood flow to the umbilical cord and noticed that I have what they call single umbilical artery (SUA). It only occurs in about 1% of pregnancies and usually in Diabetics (I'm type […]