
Share thoughts and advice on planning for pregnancy, understanding ovulation, and healthy preparation. A supportive space for respectful discussions about starting or growing your family.

  • by system
    Share thoughts and advice on planning for pregnancy, understanding ovulation, and healthy preparation. A supportive space for respectful discussions about starting or growing your family. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by moniquelmoore
    Has any one had any success with the the ovulite. I got one and just started using it. I have limited amout of time to get pregnant before my husband is depolyed over seas (May). My cycle is crazy so I never know when I am ovulating. 8 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by MommyJane
    So I have a question, and it's probably kind of dumb, but I'm going to ask you guys anyway because you're always so great!!! We want to start trying for #3. My baby girl just turned one last week and she still breastfeeds several times during the day, and I had a Mirena put in […]
  • by Mary_R8
    Hey ladies!! figure'd i'd be a pro at this now since this will be baby number 4 if God willing everything goes ok (i've had 5 pregnancy so far w/ only 3 kids.. so this is pregnancy #6) I took a home test on January 5th and it was negative.. i re-tested January 12th and […]
  • by curllyq
    I've been charting for 10 months now as birth control. I've also been trying to learn my cycle so that in the next couple months when we start TTC #3, I know when to try for a girl (we have 2 boys). The problem is, I really have erratic FM and many times just a […]
  • by Kelly_L7
    I have 2 children. After my second was born I had an IUD placed 2 years ago. Since I have had the IUD I have never had a period. We want to try for baby #3 at the end of the summer. With my first 2 children we had no problems conceiving. We got pregnant […]
  • by thismomrocks
    I am a SAHM who is a junior in college. I have 2 boy already, 5 and 3 1/2. I have major baby fever. I talked to my husband and he said okay lets do this. Then he went to work and talked to the "guys", and next thing I know he is saying no […]
  • by juliedholman
    I'm wondering if I'm pregnant and if it's too early to tell… It's only been 29 days since my last period but my boobs are really sore and full!! I have taken like 5 tests and they all say negative! I'm bummed… We have been trying to get pregnant for quite some time. I just […]
  • by ariana1975
    So, has anybody experienced nausea as side effect from birthcontrol – AFTER being on it for a while? Background: When I first got on BC 15+ years ago, I had to try a few before I found a low-dose version that didn't give me headaches, etc. I've been on/off BC as there have been long […]
  • by Joy_S1
    Hello, We have 2 toddlers already and was thinking about having a 3rd baby in a year or two. I have an IUD in me that is to last for 5 years. I was wondering if any moms out there ever used an IUD before and then tried to get pregnant after removing it? Was […]
  • by MommieA_J
    Hey Ladies! I am wondering how long it took you to conceive baby #2? My husband and I had no problem conceiving our daughter two and a half years ago but we are going on 7 months now trying to conceive baby #2. It has been really hard for me emotionally as we have waited […]
  • by gandgmado
    Hi all. When I was trying to get pregnant with my first child I ended up using chlomid as I did not ovulate on a regular basis. Now after having a child my periods are far more regular. I would like to use one of those ovulation kits that I see at the drug store […]
  • by timtedesco
    Okay so I'm not even late yet but I have 2 kids and know the feeling so I took 2 walmart tests and though faint they came back positive.i then took 2 First Response that came back negative.This hapen to anyone? 14 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by Shan_S
    About six weeks ago I had taken a home pregnancy test, which was positive, and went to the doctor four days later. After the physical exam he said, "I cannot confirm that you are pregnant." So he did an ultrasound. There was a sac, but nothing in it. The blood test came back positive. Two […]
  • by bonnieb1001
    Hello, my husband and I are thinking about having another baby, we have two girls and we would like to try to have a boy. Do any of you have advice on what we need to do, I heard certain foods and certain positions may increase our chances…any ideas?? Thanks 20 posts – 1 participant […]
  • by Allison_K1
    It's well known that taking drugs classified as SSRIs while pregnant can cause birth defects but does anyone know of any problems when the father is the one on the drug at the time of conception? My partner was put on Celexa after an accident at work caused a sever anxiety disorder. He's doing so […]
  • by rossi_sibe
    I am looking for a little piece of mind and some knowledge. My cycle runs 27-28 days like clockwork, even down to the type of flow I have. AF due date 11/30. On 11/28 I noticed a brownish discharge throughout the day and also on the 29th. 11/30 it seemed like AF started like normal […]
  • by tamunic
    I have two girls and am so happy I have two girls. We are thinking about trying for a third, but I think that I selfishly would want a boy and am a little concerned that I would have a let down and let everyone else down if we got pregnant with a third girl? […]
  • by lastingliteracy
    You guys have always been insightful in regard to past questions I've had so I figured I'd try you all, yet another time. To make a long story short, I am finishing off my divorce and a very close friend of mine whom I know for many years (who also is divorced) and male, invited […]
  • by Mommy2two_3
    My little girl is going on 18 months old,and my husband and I have been starting to talk about trying for #2. I have been really anxious to have another baby and really want to start trying, but at the same time am pretty scared about it. How do we know we're ready??? I know […]
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