Pets & Children

Share tips and experiences on raising pets alongside kids—how to teach responsibility, foster safe interactions, and create positive relationships between your little ones and furry friends.

  • by system
    Share tips and experiences on raising pets alongside kids—how to teach responsibility, foster safe interactions, and create positive relationships between your little ones and furry friends. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by debbie_a1
    need pet sitting and training in parkland,fl 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by t.gilmore
    Hi Moms, We are currently dealing with the loss of "Whiska" a cat we have had for 10 years. My children are attempting to keep their heads up but I promised them another "kitten to love". I have been having a hard time locating one. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. […]
  • by jeanavon
    Some one recently requested information on getting a guinea pig for a pet… Then today I saw this article by the Humane Society.. and thought it very informative. Hope the person who was requesting the information sees this posting… "Although guinea pigs can be great pets, American Humane encourages you to do your research before […]
  • by ryansnowie
    I am looking for an Animal Behaviorist to help with a problem I am having with my 3 year old dog growling/showing fear toward my son.This makes my son feel terrible and jealous of the attention I give the dog. My son loves animals. All other animals love my son and I don't understand why […]
  • by amanda.pafuts
    We're thinking of getting guinea pigs. Does anyone have any advice for us? We're currently researching their needs and care, but additional info would be much appreciated. 🙂 Amanda 14 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by marie_R
    I had a cat who I just couldn't train and had to get rid of about 2 months ago. Now, my 2 year old crys whenever we visit someone who has a cat because she wants to bring the cat home. So I want to adopt a cat from a local shelter but I'm not […]
  • by bvdorder
    I am thinking of getting my sons (ages 5, 4, and 2) their first pet(s). No dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, or fish right now! I'd like to get something like a hamster, gerbil, guinea pig, rabbitt or chincilla. Something in a cage that we can take out to play with. Anyone with experience have a […]
  • by jessiemholmes
    I am a SAHM to a newly 3 year old and a 19 month old. My husband and I are seriously considering getting a female black lab mix 8 week old puppy. We visited with the dog twice at our local humane society and I am just in love with her! She is very calm […]
  • by Amy_F5
    My 3 1/2 year old dog (hound mix) is constantly licking my baby. I don't think she means any harm. Shiloh is a loving dog but she came before the baby and aside from that change, we had to move from a house to an apartment. My dog can be high-energy at times and used […]
  • by htess4410
    You may have seen my post a few months ago regarding our female cat that we took in last summer. We already had two adult cats and then someone dropped two kittens off in our backyard. They all were great with some adjusting and more litter boxes…then I got pregnant and the brown siamese starting […]
  • by gerlanda22
    Has anyone ever owned a saltwater aquarium? I think they are absolutely beautiful but I have been told they are very high maintenance. I'd like to get something for the boys to watch but I don't want to have a "third child" so to speak. 15 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by gerlanda22
    Does anyone know of any good kid-friendly dogs? We were looking at the Beagle, Cockerspaniels, and Wheaton terriers. I two little ones under the age of 3. Any suggestions or does anyone have any experiences with these dogs and children? 68 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by csimpson420
    If you live in the sonoma county area or know of any good dog trainers in this area,can you please send me some contact information? Thanks 4 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by marycardella2005
    does anyone have experience with bull terriers, with or without kids? , we are considering getting one through a breeder, we have a 3 and 1 yr old. we've owned amstaffs before so i'm aware of a terriers temperment, just wondering if its the right time for the kids. 12 posts – 1 participant Read […]
  • by csimpson420
    I have a Lhasa Apso who does not like children. I have never seen him around an infant but he does not like small children. When he hears babies crying or talking on TV he starts to bark. Does anyone have any experience with this type of situration and what have you done to acclimate […]
  • by Katherine_A
    I think I've lost all my remaining marbles! I work full time as a high school teacher, have a 2 year old at home, and am 9 weeks pregnant with #2 (due 6/3/10). My husband and I have talked about wanting to adopt a dog for our children to grow up with. The woman who […]
  • by dustinandstacy
    After a bunch of research, we just got an american bulldog puppy, thinking the characteristics would suit our family's needs as a new family member. Now I am reading and hearing things I didn't before. Like how they need obidience training which is fine. They are animal aggressive. Very strong and have a strong bite. […]
  • by Cassandra_W1
    I had a baby last year and when we brought her home we had some jealousy from our eight year old cat. Mostly the cat just ignored her though. I am due in December and this time around we have added a 6 month old kitten to our family as well. Right now he is […]
  • by marie_R
    We've had Koco since he was a kitten. He really hadn't given us a single problem until now, I think he's going through puberty or something… but lately he's been fighting with my two year old over toys, blankets, pillows, well what ever the other one wants. It's almost like having another child! It's so […]
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