Formula Feeding & Nutrition

Whether you’re choosing formula or supplementing, discuss everything from selecting the right formula to feeding tips. Share advice on ensuring your baby’s nutritional needs are fully met.

  • by system
    Whether you’re choosing formula or supplementing, discuss everything from selecting the right formula to feeding tips. Share advice on ensuring your baby’s nutritional needs are fully met. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by mrs.reynoso
    I need a recommendation on vitamins. My son is allergic to a ton of things, and we're in the process of weaning. But so far all the vitamins I have found have orange, pear, wheat germ, or SOMETHING he can't have in them… Rather than googling infant vitamins and spending hours trying to figure out […]
  • by A_G5
    Hello All! After speaking to my mother and mother-in-law (ut-oh) they have convinced me that my daughter should be drinking more ounces/bottles per day. She is a healthy girl, growing fine, and just about to start cereal (yay!). She breastfeeds in the morning, and takes 4 5 oz bottles during the day and then breastfeeds […]
  • by Coleen_B
    I'm a mother of 5. My newest one is 7 weeks old. I've never had a problem with any of the other ones like I am with her. If she isn't sleeping, she is screaming and she has not had a bowel movement on her own since she push all the tar like stuff out. […]
  • by americancanyon
    My two year old eats nothing but chicken nuggets and french fries. He also has milk. This is all he basically will eat. What do I do, if anything? 24 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by Cameron_s_mommy
    My son is 4 months old and all the sudden he is not sleeping through the night. i went back to work so I'm pumping and feeding him breast milk in the bottle only. It seems he is only drinking about 4 to 5 oz per feeding, this seems low to me for his age. […]
  • by Melanie_H3
    When do I change the nipple size on a bottle. I'm using Dr. Brown bottles for feeding. We're on 1 and my little girl is eating 4oz's every 3-4 hours. Is there a rule to follow, when will I know to make a change? 10 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by Gloria_S
    I have a 4 month old and I would like to start cereal but our pediatrician believes in waiting for 6 months. Any thoughts? My son is almost 20 lbs and never seems satisfied after his bottles, even if I up the ounces. 26 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
  • by alldonebyus
    My baby has had eating issues since she was born, she has no sucking reflux. It took her 2 months to even get nursing. She has been taking acid reflux meds since 7 mo and seems to be helping her. She would finally eat about 18-20 oz milk + cereal, veg + fruits. She had […]
  • by marijunebug
    My son who is 2 months old was on Similac. I switched him to Enfamil about 5 days ago and I've noticed he eats slowly and a little bit less now. Should I switch back to Similac? Has anyone experienced this? I'm wondering if Enfamil is a little bit thicker then Similac and that might […]
  • by jennlhanna
    Hello fellow moms! My 6.5 month old son was doing really good with solids since we started him at 6 months, now whenever I put him in his highchair he curves his back and pushes like he's constipated (which I know he isn't) and makes it REALLY hard to feed him. Should I just push […]
  • by jacmoo
    Does anyone use neocate formula? My son used it for a brief period of time, but thankfully he was able to go onto commercial formula. I found one can left, unopened exp date March of 2010. This stuff is really expensive, and we got some given to us when he was on it, so I'd […]
  • by mrs.reynoso
    Okay, here's a rather complicated question. I need to wean my son soon. He's going to be 1 year in about a week. I don't have to wean him overnight or anything, but as I work on the transition, I need some advice. First, though, PLEASE DO NOT give me any flack for choosing to […]
  • by wyntr_rose
    my daughter just informed me just short of tears that my granddaughter who is solely breast fed will not take a bottle at all. my granddaughter who is 8 months old used to take a bottle on occasion but lately she has not. my daughter would like a break and have someone else feed her […]
  • by Emmy_M1
    Hi everyone, My daughter was put on Efamil Nutramiagin and I was wondering if any other moms out there have used this before. What did you think about it? Since its less dense and predigested, did you need to feed your baby more often? Is there anything in particular I should be looking for? Her […]
  • by tarareneebrown
    I feel like I ask this every other month but wanted to get some feedback on what your 8-9 month old feeding schedule is like. My now 8 month old is still waking up 2-3 times a night (pretty much an every 3 hour eater 24/7). I have tried EVERYTHING! His schedule is nurse at […]
  • by nglovernirk
    I've been exclusively breastfeeding my 3 1/2 month old since she was born until starting to let her try a couple ounces of formula a day this week. She has had some tummy issues since she was born, and at 6 weeks was prescribed Prilosec for reflux by our pediatrician, although I'm not sure that's […]
  • by girlamazon75
    Anyone out there have a baby on formula? I am wondering your thoughts on switching brands of formula. Currently we use Enfamil Premium Lipil and I am thinking of also purchasing Similac and Nestle Good Start as I have coupons for these formulas. Any thoughts on why I should not switch up formulas? The pediatrician […]
  • by Rebeccah_O
    My daughter is 11 months old today and already walking so I think its a good time to start the transition away from bottles of formula (she only takes 2 a day anyway) onto sippy cups of milk. Any suggestions on the best way to do this? I tried the cold turkey approach and she […]
  • by allycat3333
    Hi, my 4 month old daughter has been on similac early shield since the end of november. First she was on the premixed and now(for about 2-3 weeks) has been on the powder. Ever since I switched her to early shield, she has very very loose poop, so bad that I once had to cut […]
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