Discuss speech development, hearing health, and related therapies. Share experiences with screenings, speech therapy, hearing aids, and supporting communication milestones for all ages.
- by systemDiscuss speech development, hearing health, and related therapies. Share experiences with screenings, speech therapy, hearing aids, and supporting communication milestones for all ages. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by xinShe makes only a few sound every day. Very few times, I coo to her she will coo back and that is so adorable. She makes good eye contact and smiles. She made some good cooing sound a week ago, and not again. she really likes tummy time, and if I put her on a […]
- by okirsanovaMy son is 28 months old. He is raised in bilingual environment: my parents babysit him while we are at work and they speak only Russian to him because they do not know English. I am concerned about his speech development because he does not speak as well as the 28 months should according to […]
- by hbailey24Hello…I have a 13 month old son who is perfect in every way…but I have some concerns about his language development. The doctor does not see a problem, but I was hoping some other moms could give me some feedback. Jacob is always babbling…constantly making sounds, etc. He also has said several words (hi, thank […]
- by christine_atkinsI would love to hear from someone with expertise in this area, but not really sure who that would be–Maybe a speech therapist or teacher or pediatrician?? My 3 year old little boy is very smart–Has a huge vocabulary, uses very long sentences and well thought out and detailed stories. He doesn’t have any actual […]
- by Crazybeautiful609My grandmother lives in SD and me in NY. It is extremely hard to have a conversation with her by phone because she does not hear well over the phone. I was wondering if anybody has any experience with the phones geared toward the elderly and hearing impaired. I would love to send her one […]
- by Lisa_T2My 4.5 year old daughter recently participated in a speech and hearing assessment conducted by Easter Seals at her preschool. She has trouble with "th", "s", and "z" sounds. The evaluator noted this difficulty but did not recommend any corrective measures as she isn't expected to master these sounds until age 6. I have known […]
- by Holly_DollyMy son had speech problems. They were noticeable from his first words on but he was put in the speech program at his school right away and now in first grade they say this will be his final year! YAY is all I could think My daughter also has speech problems. So I figure this […]
- by m12furmanMy son turned 2 in September and he is still not talking. He has a few words. We had his hearing and eyesight checked; they both are fine. My older son, now 6, was an early talker but his doctor watched him because they thought he might be tongue-tied. I'm going to have my 2 […]
- by littlemissreformedMy daughter is 18 months old and basically has no words. Well, if 'kak' counts when she sees a duck, or when you say, 'What does a duckie say?" that is her one word. She makes lots of noise and babbles. She said "yeah" and "hi" randomly at about 10 months but doesn't anymore. At […]
- by lovingbeingamomI have a five year daughter. When she talks she tends to talk very loudly, alsmost yelling. We keep trying to tell her to lower her voice when speaking, then she starts to use a wierd very qiuet voice. How do I teach her to talk in a regular voice without shouting? She has a […]
- by J_F1My son turns 3 in February. He has a huge vocabulary and talks in sentences BUT we can't understand what he's saying. There are many sounds that he does not make at all. He just started speech therapy and I was told he's tongue tied. The therapist was suprised it wasn't caught by our pediatrician. […]
- by lovingbeingamomMy son is seven years old. She has been in speech therapy since he was two years old and diagnosed when he was younger with verbal apraxia. About two weeks ago he started stuttering. I am noticing it about once every couple hours, but is slowly happening more. Just wondering if this has happened to […]
- by J_K1I was just wondering about how many words my 18 month old should be saying. He just turned 18 months on Nov. 28th and he can say a few words, but most words are muffled and he seems to say the first sound of a word only. He always tries to say words when I […]
- by emily_hoopMy 28 month old has been meeting with an ECI representative for about 6 months now for speech therapy only, but hasn't made substantial progress. Speech delays run in the family (both my husband and I were in therapy for years) and am wondering if anyone has a good recommendation of a speech therapist in […]
- by Allie_S1I am not sure what to do or go from here… I (we) tried for 3 years to have my daughter and we finally had her. I was so happy and excited. Then I suffered from depression and got that handled. She receives speech, special ed and has many allergies. She has only limited words. […]
- by Allison_R3Hi Everyone, I hear this is familiar but wanted to hear experiences of mom's who have witnessed disfluency/stuttering with their toddler. My daughter will be 2 1/2 next month, she has been speaking in full sentences for months and is excellent at carrying on conversations. Within the past week or so, she has been stuttering […]
- by Lulu_CMy mom says my daughter of 16 months doesn't talk like "she is supposed to". I mean she says certain things like mama, agua(water),nana(grandma), guau guau(doggie),chichita(for her milk cuppy),Tio and tia(aunt and uncle which pretty much sound the same), she says bye and bye-bye, num num(food), popo(poopy), so that's 10 words. And she know what […]
- by estherramadanAnyone have experience with Lynn Silver? Recommend her? Please advise..Thanks! 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by Carina_AMy son is 22 months old and barely says any words. He only has about four or five words that he says regularly. He does babbles non-sensical stuff all the time, though. I know he doesn't have hearing problems because he understands a lot. He can point to almost any body part (the only one […]