Physical therapy focuses on restoring movement and reducing pain through exercises and treatments. Discuss therapy options, recovery stories, choosing providers, and tips for supporting progress.
- by systemPhysical therapy focuses on restoring movement and reducing pain through exercises and treatments. Discuss therapy options, recovery stories, choosing providers, and tips for supporting progress. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by Stephanie_L2My 2 month old daughter was just diagnosed with congenital torticollis. We are still waiting on the referral for physical therapy. I was just looking for any input or recommendations on treatment for this condition. Did anyone experience success with PT? Did you have to use the TOT collar? Thanks in advance for any information […]
- by LovinMyGuysHello! Does anyone know of any good physical therapists in the Albuquerque area that specialize in physical therapy for expecting moms? I'd love to hear ANY suggestions, because I'm having a hard time finding even one! Thanks! 4 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by estherramadanMy son has mild low muscle tone…ECI did not recommend that he receive occupational therapy although he had to have support due to pronating ankles and a speech delay…Now that he has grown up and we have conquered walking, talking, and articulation – he is a normal 5 year old except for the effects of […]
- by Kim_S3Has anyone used Spot for Kids in Oswego for phyiscal therapy?? Any comments good or bad would be great. 4 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by kckriegerHello, My 20 month old is still not talking. He has said mama, hot, dada, and wawa but it is really infrequent (as in almost never). He mostly grunts and points. Our ped recommended speech therapy at his 18 month visit. We were approved for speech therapy through the Westside Regional Center, but budget cutbacks […]
- by Sandy_c2My son has had some evaluations done at my request and its been found that he has quite a bit of sensory issues and it was recommended that he get therapy once a week. We are also awaiting the results of a neurological evaluation. My question is what now?? My understanding is unless the neurologist […]
- by Kelli_EAt my daughter's 4-mo well visit, the Dr. said she had torticollis-basically tilting her head to one side- & wanted her to do some physical therapy. Her office is in Plano, but we live in Denton. First, are there other moms out there who have experienced this and was it a challenge to overcome? Second, […]
- by laurensonlineaccountHas anyone ever had experience with pelvic/pubic symphysis dysfunction? With my first pregnancy, I began to experience extreme pain in my pelvis/inner thigh area around the 6th month. It continued for a couple of months after the birth. Recently, I had my second baby. Again, the pain came back around the 6th month but this […]
- by nicole11208HI everyone, i have a wonderful two year old son who was a preemie. He was born at 27 weeks and has come along way. He talks in sentences and can hold a conversation. His problem is his motor skills. He walks on his toes and was we were told that he has hypertonia. Recently […]
- by jhullinger614I am still in shock at this point. My husband and I adopted a baby girl who was 10 week early. She was born at 30 weeks and weighed 2 lbs 11 oz. At the time she was born, she needed a ventilator for a very short period of time and was in the NCIU […]
- by mollybdayMy 6 year old was a drug baby. He has had many challenges which include no anal opening at birth and a colostomy bag until 16 mos. He has severe scoliosis. He is not able to "feel" bowel movements often and while at home, we could control it, but had him totally toilet trained. The […]
- by jederryHi, Everyone My name is jennie and i have a son that has sensory disorder. We are looking for phyiscal and occupational thearpy for kids to take him as long as help he is getting in daycare. Does anybody know of any facilty for kids other then in the city(philadelphia). I live in abington, pa […]
- by leslie_reinhartI am looking for feedback on Advanced Spinal Care in Geneva. Thanks, Mamas! 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by leslie_reinhartTo give you some background: I underwent a discectomy (L5-C1) in December. Since the surgery I have been dealing with lower back pain that radiates to my left buttock. Before the surgery the pain was in my lower back radiating down my right leg. At that time, the pain was so bad and I was […]
- by anneli_weberHello Moms, I am wondering if any of you ever developed a hernia when pregnant, and if so, did you do anything for it, and what? If you left it alone, did it cause any complications later..particularly if you had a second baby? When I was pregnant, I carried my baby so far out that […]
- by rossiclanHi there! Wondering if anyone else has had a young child with a broken leg. Our daughter did great once she got her cast on (tibia and fibula broken, toes to mid-thigh cast length) and she got it off three days ago and will not put any weight on that leg. I am going crazy […]
- by prim8zI'm brand new to the area and I'm looking for a pediatrician for my 5 month old. Any reccomendations would be greatly appreciated, as I'm just looking at lists of names with no real idea of where to start right now. Also, my son has congenital torticollis and will be needing physical therapy. Is there […]
- by melissabroadwayDoes anyone have a good chirpractor they could refer me to? Also, are they covered by most insurances? 9 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by melissabroadwayEarlier this I have started experiencing pain in my right hip. Thought perhaps it was a result of bumping into something that I couldn't remember…. the pain hasn't gone away, so I wen to the Dr. who did an x-ray and didn't find anything. I took steriods, which hasn't helped. Now I have a pain […]