Do you have tips for keeping your car spotless? Share your favorite car wash services, at-home detailing tricks, or recommendations for keeping your vehicle looking like new.
- by systemDo you have tips for keeping your car spotless? Share your favorite car wash services, at-home detailing tricks, or recommendations for keeping your vehicle looking like new. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by BeeBee_RI'd like to get my car washed. The last few places I've gone I didn't think did a good job. I'd like to know of a good place to get a basic wash inside and out. Also if anyone has ever had their carpet cleaned in the car I'd like to know about that too. […]
- by Kate_JI have tried cleaning the milk stains and formula stains off of our leather seats in our car a few times, but no matter how hard I scrub and what I use, they always reappear after the seats dry. Does anyone have any tips on how to clean them? We can't really afford to take […]
- by kknox3One of my kids wrote on our car's leather seats with an ink pen. I have tried rubbing alcohol, hairspray, wd40, Mr. Clean Eraser and leather cleaner with no luck. Does anyone know of anything else out there that will get the ink out or at least lighten the stain so it's not as noticeable? […]
- by texjoybellDoes anyone know of a good auto detailer in the Burleson or Fort Worth area? My car needs a good cleaning on the inside and the one I was going to use has closed it's doors because of the poor economy. Thanks 2 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by estrawnOn a car trip last weekend, a sippy cup leaked milk into the upholstery in the back seat, and the carpet under the back seat. Any recommendations for getting rid of the sour milk smell? I've scrubbed with water and ammonia, and used a bissel handheld vaccuum. But the car is still pretty stinky. Any […]
- by Quiet_1i am on the search for a green cleaner for the leather seats in my van. i thought i had found the solution with raw linseed oil however after i got it from the hardware store, it states on it that it is carcinogenic. after further research, it looks like i could get food-grade oil […]
- by timtedescoMy husbands b-day is coming up and I would like to get him a gift cert. to get his truck detailed and I don't know where to look and I can't ask him.Any suggestions for the Atco-Berlin NJ area. Thanks 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by vchowellAny suggestions please on how to clean the cloth upholstery in my soon to be returned Buick? We have apple juice stains on the seat plus various other general dirt marks and I think a bit of sucker and blood too….lovely! Of course, we have the pale beige/ cream colored cloth so it is showing […]
- by Chrissy_BernalI have two 3" blue ink marks on my light tan leather car seats. I'm wondering if anyone has used Leather Magic and what you thought about it. I've tried removing the ink stains with lemon juice (what the dealership suggested), alcohol, AquaNet hairspray, soap and water and leather cleaner. I'm out of ideas. Suggestions? […]
- by badkitty_1026Does anyone know how to repair cigarette burns on a car seat? I have a couple and they look horrible. 5 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by oslocumGood morning moms. I need help. My daughter,during one of her many temper tamtrums, threw up all over herself and my car. It was such an abundance of vomit that some of it got under my car seat cushions and now the smell has taken over my car. Anything I can use to get rid […]
- by ctsurudaSorry for the rather unpleasant question, but does anyone have any advice on how to get the smell of vomit out of a seatbelt? My nephew got sick in our SUV last weekend and unfortunately when we took the seatbelt off of him (he was in a booster) to get him out and clean him […]
- by tnahaurumAnyone ever get mustard out of a leather seat? If you have please let me know what you did. Thanks. 1 post – 1 participant Read full topic
- by The_Happiest_DavisMy 2 y/o accidentally stepped in wet off-white paint yesterday. It got all over his leather sandals and he tracked it into the car as he got in. The paint is all over the backseat, in his car seat and on the back of the passenger seat. I'm not too worried about his car seat, […]
- by mj_16Can anyone recommend a good car detailer that isn't too expensive? I've gone to Turtle wax and Green Lantern and they do an okay job. What I want is the interior cleaned really well. Thanks! 2 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by mokettaMoms,,, got one for ya. My son rides in the back in his booster. Well I never relly noticed how dirty the seat's were till I went to clean out the truck. ( SUV ) I have tryed all I know, and the stains wont come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What have you used to get stains out […]
- by rlr21When I stumble across them, I like to patronize car washes held by local non-profits, generally found in school and in church parking lots and primarily staged on weekends. These fundraisers can be few and far between and nigh on impossible to track down. Any suggestions for commercial "by hand" car washes on the peninsula […]
- by t-christensenA plastic bag with red printing was tossed on the tan leather seats of my car. Somehow the red printing from the plastic bag transferred/stained my seat. What can I use to get the red off the without harming/discoloring the tan leather? 7 posts – 1 participant Read full topic
- by sallyleagueMy daughter spilled a half-pint of milk in the back seat of my car. I have leather seats, so I wiped the spill up immediately. The next day, though, my car smelled pretty horrible, and I found a good bit of the milk had leaked between the seats and had pooled on the carpeting of […]