Business Details

Mamapedia is a free, local online mother’s community. Below is a real Business Listing with genuine reviews from Mamapedia Moms.


0 reviews
  • All over the USA
    Marietta, GA 30008
  • (770) 739-9970

Business description (provided by the business owner):

I'm a stay home mom and I have found a real work at home business that I really enjoy,(yes it took me a while to find a real company) no there are no products or parties and no body over your shoulders but its a service we offer that everyone in America needs because there are 47 million without healthcare today.We do get pay on every health plan we promote (19.95 - 59.95) ok check us out ,see if you could get motivated about helping other's and would be willing to work your business at least 20 hours a week but you must have internet and phone if you think this is something you can do check out this site and Request an Interview Enroll and get a vacation coupon mailed to you

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