I took a z-pack at 38 weeks pregnant. I was scheduled for a c-section in a week and was coughing every two minutes. I did not have any ill effects from it; in fact, I was grateful for it. I felt much better in just a few days.
Have any of you had to take a z-pack with pregnancy?
I had one prescribed to me on Monday by my OB for an upper resp infection and
I'm now on my 3rd day of taking it.
I've started having mild stomach cramps and my normally very calm baby
has become very overly active.
Just not sure if it's related to the meds or not.
TIA for any helpful advice.
I took a z-pack at 38 weeks pregnant. I was scheduled for a c-section in a week and was coughing every two minutes. I did not have any ill effects from it; in fact, I was grateful for it. I felt much better in just a few days.
I took a Z-pak around Christmas time! My dr assured me that it was ok...I never had any problems, but maybe you should try eating w/the pill...hope you start feeling better!
Zithromax can be really hard on the gut, which is likely what's causing the cramping. Because you're having the cramping, your baby is likely more active. The baby is getting some of the abx, but likely not enough to impact the baby at this stage. You might ask your doctor about taking probiotics, though to replace the healthy bacteria in your gut that has been killed by the Zithromax. That will help your immune system (over 70% of our immune function is in our gut) and hopefully keep you from needing more abx during this pregnancy.
I took it while I was pregnant. I had to take it during a large meal or it would make me as sick as a dog! Good luck!
I am on my fourth day of taking it for bronchitis. I am 31w5d pg. I am NOT someone who takes abx willy-nilly, and researched them before I took them. The most common side effects are diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain. The babe can probably hear the noises in your gut and is responding to those sounds. It is the safest antibiotic for all stages of pg, breastfeeding, etc, so I think you are just having a very normal side effect. I would definitely suggest pro-biotics. I usually take one acidophilus pearl per day, but have increased to two while on the abx. This will ensure the good bacteria in your stomach will stay around and keep the yeasties at bay.
I was prescribed the Z-pack at about 20 weeks for a severe sinus infection. Unfortunately, I had a bad allergic reaction to it, but it didn't happen until the 4th or 5th day on the medication. And, I had had the Z-pack before pregnancy with no issues. My body began to itch beyond comprehension and swell up all over with severe redness...including my face, chest/trunk area, arms, legs, etc. So, then I had to take prednisone to counteract the bad reaction.
However, with all this said, I believe my allergic reaction is not common and Z-pack is generally considered safe while pregnant. I think the crampiness you feel probably is the side-effects on your gastro-intestinal system, which is common with most antibiotics. Regardless, check with your doctor right away to ensure all is okay.
Many Blessings - L.
I am 33 weeks pregnant and have taken a Z Pak two times for a sinus infection. I had no problems. Sorry you are having some. There are other antibiotics they can give you. You may want to call your OB.
Good Luck and take care,
I took a z-pack several times during both of my pregnancies as I have chronic bronchitis that quickly turns to pneumonia and I never had any issues. I will tell you that you should take your z-pack with food or it can cause stomach cramping - it is very hard on your stomach. I would also recommend eating lots of yogurt with live and active cultures while on the antibiotics. Good luck and I hope you start feeling better!