Your Favorite Restaurant Downtown

Updated on March 03, 2012
N.R. asks from Chicago, IL
9 answers

Hi Moms, I'm looking for a restaurant downtown to take a friend I haven't seen in ages who will be in Chicago for one night. This friend loves great food and I'd love a place where we could hear ourselves talk and can take our time, not feel rushed. They're staying at the 4 Seasons, so something in that Gold Coast, Streeterville, State St. area would be great, but happy to take a cab somewhere else if the place is worth traveling to. Looking for memorable but doesn't have to be the most expensive spot. On the casual side -- nice jeans and cute top -- would be great, too. Thanks for the help!

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answers from Chicago on

my favorite quiet place near 4 seasons is Pane Caldo. It's pricey but delicious and quiet and low key. I also love the park grill. You can watch the ice skaters in millenium park, they have great farm to fork food and great drinks, very relaxed and cozy with a fireplace. These are great smaller, quiet low key with great food.

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answers from Chicago on

Cafe Ba-Ba-Ree-Ba. it's in Lincoln Park - Halstead & Armitage. It's my favorite place in the city. I LOVE their bacon wrapped dates. And they have fabulous sangria.

I also LOVE Italian Village - that's in the loop. I forget where exactly.... Adams & State maybe? It's definitely more quiet.

Also - Captial Grille. It's pricey, but I've eaten there in nice jeans and a sweater with boots - that kind of outfit. It's like Erie, east of Michigan - by Northwestern.

Devon - is a FANTASTIC seafood restaurant. Also slower paced and quiet. a bit on the upscale side, not sure about price you're looking for. It's Chicago and ...... Rush? or maybe State. That would be walking distance to 4 seasons, I think.

That's all I can think of now...... If I think of more, I'll update.

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answers from Chicago on

If you enjoy Italian food, you will LOVE Bella Notte on Grand Ave (at Noble). Everything there is delicious! You can order off the menu or just tell them what you like and they will create it for you. Portions are generous but not pricey. You can definitely wear jeans and a cute top and feel comfortable. This would be a quick cab ride and well worth the few minutes in a cab! We go often and carry out too (with two small children that is easier sometimes). You won't regret this choice! Enjoy!



answers from Chicago on

Try yelp. I'm very out of the restaurant scene! Have seen mixed reviews on Bar Toma (where Bistro 110 used to be). I recently went to Devon for a friend's birthday (it was recommended below), but we were all underwhelmed. I also felt the same about Bistronomic. I believe NoMI in the Park Hyatt has been updated to be a bit more casual, as well as the restaurant in the Four Seasons. I always enjoyed MK, but it's been years since I've been there. Mercat a la Planxa in the Blackstone Hotel is very good but LOUD. I have been wanting to go to Henri for dinner (near the Art Institute), although lunch was very expensive. I don't think it would be nearly as noisy as some other places. We really like Quartino, but that's also quite loud (downstairs, at least - have never been seated upstairs).



answers from Chicago on

I recently was in a similar situation. I took my friend to the Bridge House Tavern (321 N. Clark). I had been there a coupld of times before after a friend introduced me to it. It is right on the river, on the small side (in a good intimate way), and not loud (so good for catching up). We had a great time, really good wine, good food, and stayed for quite a while. It would be a cab ride, but not a very long one. I double checked Yelp reviews to make sure I wasn't the only one who really liked this place and it had very good reviews as well.



answers from Chicago on

I always take out of town guests to West Town Tavern, on Chicago & Noble. Awesome food & service. Highly recommend!



answers from Chicago on

A coworker likes Heaven on Seven, located near Rush and Chicago I believe.



answers from Chicago on

I always love Grand Luxe cafe on Michigan and Ontario. It is casual yet beautiful decor and view.
I think a drink on the 95th floor of the Hancock to finish off the night would be fun.
There are so many great restaurants in that area. Look on metromix or citysearch for ideas and ratings.



answers from Chicago on

Not sure what restaurants are in that area but look for ideas on

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