I would not go over there. Just to be on the safe side. But I grew up with a parent with chronic cancer and a very compromised immune system who also had shingles, so I always err on the cautious side. No play date is worth getting sick over.
So a friend of mine contracted shingles a couple weeks ago and is being treated with antibiotics, she is 35. She has 2 kids, one 4yrs that has been vaccinated, and a 10 month old, that has not (yet). So far no one else in the household has gotten it from her. My question is, my 3.5yr old (vaccinated) has been invited for a play date, and the Mom says only if I'm comfortable with it, but she feels confident that it's not putting my child at risk. But, my daughter is also just getting over a cold that included one day of fever (2 days ago), by Saturday, I know she will be feeling fine, But, I am wondering if her immune system might still be low and if there is any danger of being in a home with someone that is being treated for shingles? The Mom will not be there during the playdate, she's working. Obviously I'm a little hesitant, but also don't want to be over thinking it. What are your thoughts on this? TIA
OK, well I just called the Ped, and the nurse said that a child that has been vaccinated has a 75-80% immunity to the virus. But, in order for it to spread and a child to contract it, the child would need to be in direct contact with the lesions, and that if the person wasn't around physically, then there is absolutely no way to get it from toys or furniture etc.. the virus does not linger. Hmmmm, I still think I will wait a couple of weeks. Thanks ladies!!!
I would not go over there. Just to be on the safe side. But I grew up with a parent with chronic cancer and a very compromised immune system who also had shingles, so I always err on the cautious side. No play date is worth getting sick over.
why risk it? Wait a few weeks before you resume visiting with the family.
No need to chance it... shingles in the summer heat? Yuck. Wait until she's over it and then go over and play!
Why don't you call your Dr. and ask them.......
I got shingles when I was 20!! I had it only on my left arm and my daughter was only 6 weeks old. I could not take meds because then I couldn't nurse her, so I dealt with the pain. it went away fairly quickly and the doctors, mine and hers, said as long as I kept my arm completely covered when I was holding her, I was good to go and not pass it to her. Since she was breastfeeding my body was making what she needed to not get it. I think your kiddo is okay :)
My mil had them over Memorial day weekend. We were over with her..she had been on meds for a few days.
My kids all got sick about a week later with a stomach virus.
My middle guy was in the hospital with sores, that may or may not have been linked to being exposed to the shingles.
The docs never did make a total decision on him NOT having Shingles. They are very certain what he had WAS related to the chicken pox/shingles family of viruses.
Honestly I would not let my kiddo go around someone who had the virus again. Although I will never totally know it is what cause the illnesses here...it was close enough in relation to too be around it.
My kiddo will now forever have outbreaks of the sores in his mouth. anything from stress...to excitement can cause him to break out. Kinda sucks thinking it all could have been avoided..had we not gone over to grandmas house in the first place.
Why not suggest a play date at a neutral location like the library or park?