I wouldn't recommend anyone put their child in our local Y day camp program. I have personally called the police on them for letting the kids run into traffic to try and get people to pull in to their car wash fund raiser. The staff were standing around talking and not even watching the kids.
We go to the free lunch program here too and the Y brought their 2 bus loads of kids to the school at the same time. The kids would run around and make so much noise that my tray would be moving on the table, to talk to your neighbor you had to yell. Their was one little girl who kept getting bullied and the teachers were too busy visiting and flirting that we finally stepped in and told the other kids to leave her alone. They would get in to food fights and the Y staff would just keep taking and then walk out for the school staff to have horrible messes to clean up.
They attend the local free movie on Tuesdays and the theatre puts them in the balcony so the other kids can enjoy the movie. One day when they were showing "Mary Poppins" which ran over the time for the next show to start, which we were waiting for in the lobby, there were little kids coming out crying because the Y kids had throw chewed up candy down on them for fun. It was stuck in their hair, on their clothes and the parents were just livid.
I took a young man who had developmental disabilities to Y camp for the whole summer one year and it was the most miserable I had ever been. We spent a lot of time outdoors, in the heat of the day, had hot sweaty kids who were dehydrated and cranky, and the few times we actually got in the water in the Y pool was nice but that was only every couple of weeks.
I think if you are considering this you need to check with lots of parents in your area and see if there have been complaints.