Hi my name is S. and im sorry i don't really have any ideas for you but i was wondering if i could ask what kind of work you do from home. I have been trying to find a home based job and i can't find a legitimate one. Thanks for your time.
I have a beautiful 10 month old daughter who used to be very easy going and willing to entertain herself for hours. This was wonderful since I work from home in the mornings and in the office in the afternoons four days a week. But as of late, she has taken to whining most of the morning, I wonder if it because I am unable to devote all my attention to her. Anybody have any ideas to keep her entertained so I can continue to work? Baby Einstein DVDs are great for 30-60 minutes, but I really do not want her to watch tv all morning - I have to work for 3 1/2 to 4 hours each morning.
Hi my name is S. and im sorry i don't really have any ideas for you but i was wondering if i could ask what kind of work you do from home. I have been trying to find a home based job and i can't find a legitimate one. Thanks for your time.
Wow--you have been lucky to work from home with a baby for this long! I found it difficult to do without some help. Now that it's summer, what about hiring a high school or even middle school girl to come play with your daughter for a few hours every day? Couldn't be that expensive, and you wouldn't have to truck her off to day care. Plus, you could pop in and say hi whenever you want! She could take her to the park, etc. so you could really focus for part of the morning as well. Once your little girl can walk, this may get tougher, so prepare yourself for full-time day care if it comes to that. But if you can get away with it, by all means, keep her home in the morning if you can! Good luck!!
I agree with Julie, get a sitter, maybe you can get another stay at home mom in the neighborhood to do it, and then trade and watch her sometime or make some other arangement. Or try to rearange the work and do it during nap time. Another option it to do it when the hubby is at home. She will soon be walking and getting into EVERYTHING if you get my point and leaving her to watch TV will no longer be pratical
Hi S.,
Your story is very much like mine. I am also a CPA who works from home as I've created an incredible business and I have a 13 month old at home. My daughter does take a decent nap in the morning so that always helps but if I need to get through some work, I make sure I give her some good, solid attention and then I let her play on her own with some toys. I have also found if I rotate her toys so that they seem new again, then she tends to play with them longer.
I've also thought about finding someone to come to my home for a few hours a couple days a week but I haven't gone done that path yet. I'm thinking the summer would be a good time to test it out with a high school or college girl.
Hope that helps. Good luck to you!
Hi S..
Thats good you dont what her to have to entertain her self at 10 1/2 months old, or have the TV be the baby sitter, I'm not sure what your asking for in your request, but the only thing that comes to my mind when it comes to children and work Is something most moms dread doing, Finding a babysitter, I say that instead of giving ideas how to have her entertained for 3 1/2 to 4 hrs while you work is because I am left with the impression that you need that time to get your Job done and 3 1/2 - 4 hours is a long time for her to be with out constant love, teaching, structure and supervision that our little bugs need. Since its you thats at work, not her (whether it be at home or out of the home),my thoughts is she needs someone there with her, not just there.. Like I say, I may have read your request wrong and I hope you find what your looking for.