You're not kidding! I run a very part time little home party type business, and even finsing time for that is tough.
I know you mentioned that you cannot afford day care even part time. Can you swing a pre-school program for a couple of hours a day a couple of days a week? My son's pre-school in September will be about $1,000 for the whole 9 month course, and will be 3 hrs a day 2 days a week. EVen that concentrated time could make a difference for you.
Do you know any other Moms in your area who work at home? Could you arrange a trade off with them? You have both sets one day, she has both another day, so each gets one full day a week?
Do you know a teenager you could pay to come in and entertain the kids for 2 or 3 hours after school a couple of days a week? Since you're home, it's more like a mother's helper than babysitting, and shouldn't cost nearly as much as day care. When you have some time to really focus on your business, you should be able to make a little more money, no? Would that offset the cost of an arrangement like this?
Just a couple of ideas, F., because I know this is way tougher than people think it is before they start doing it.
Best of luck in your new enterprise!