Wooden Table - Wax, Oil?

Updated on July 05, 2013
Y.M. asks from Lone Tree, IA
5 answers

We have inherited a wooden dining table. I am wondering how I make the table suitable for everyday use. It is finished but it doesn't seem to have a seal so cleaning it is a conundrum. I wiped it down with soapy water and it then felt sticky. Do I wax it? Oil it? I don't want to do a polyurethan coat at present because I have other household projects in the works and I just don't want to start a new project until the others are finished. Thanks!

ETA: My previous table had a butcher block top so it was easy to clean.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I would scrub it with a rag and some Murphy's Oil soap. That way it would be clean down to the bottom of the grains and it wouldn't hurt the wood. Then let it dry completely after rinsing well. Once it's done you can sand it a bit if it needs it. Wipe it off with a tack cloth then put a finish on it.

If it is not something you'd want to eat off of then it has to be cleaned, sanded and refinished. Then it will be a piece of furniture you can be proud of.

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answers from Dallas on

I have custom made tables for my dining and breakfast area. Per the recommendation of the store Amish Furniture Company), I use Guardian wood cleaner and Guardian polish. Both can be purchased at most better furniture stores as well as Bed Bath and Beyond. They are about $6 a can.

I would not put soap and water on it at all.

I also agree if it is not finished and ready for daily use, get a custom pad to fit on it to protect it until you can get it finished.

Good luck.

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answers from Sacramento on

I love Howard Feed-N-Wax which is a great wipe on, wipe off product.

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answers from Kansas City on

Lemon oil!


Lemon oil!

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