YES! Migraines and headaches can be caused by hormones too. I get hormone induced mirgraines and can not take prescription drugs as I react to them - they make my migraines worse. I started seeing my acupuncturist years and years ago (before kids were even a thought.... still in college) for hormonal imbalances caused by being on the pill. When I started working with her I was having debilitating migraines, depression, horrible PMS, cramps that kept me in bed, very heavy bleeding for 4-5 days, and literally felt like I couldn't function. I was 21.
10 years and two kids later, I no longer have severe cramps, heavy bleeding, headaches or depression. Things are totally managable now. She kept me "normal" through both pregnancies - coming to my first while I was in labor to help because I got "stuck" at 5 cm... and helped turn baby #2 who wasn't breach but he wasn't where he was suppose to be either! She has a 98% success rate in turning breach babies and a 98% success rate at inducing labor.
And my hubby will attest to the fact that acupuncture has "saved" me and us. I didn't go for a while after baby #2 because of childcare and money issues. I ended up in bed one night crying because of a migraine. He had never seen me with one this bad in our then 6 years of marriage. It scared him. He asked what we needed to do so that I didn't have them anymore. I said I had to go back to acupuncture but how could we with childcare and money issues? He made it all work and has been home everytime I've had an appt (And I see her religious every two weeks just like I did before kids) and has helped cut back on "extras" so we have the $ for the appts.
I am a HUGE advocate of acupuncture as you can tell. But that's because it works.
Not sure where you're located but my gal, who specializes in women's health, is in Sebastopol. Her name is Laurel Brody. Her number is ###-###-#### If Sebastopol isn't close enough for you, you can also call her for a referral to someone in your area.
Good luck! And I hope you start feeling better soon.