I understand your daughters pain…I too struggled greatly with school at this age. First, I would look into counseling at her current school. As this has now become more a psychological and emotional struggle than an educational one. Second, I would let all her teachers in on her behavior. She may have at least one teacher that can meet her needs and help her have a sunny spot in her day. They may also know of alternative programs. Third, I would inform her that you are doing your best so that she gets the education that she needs…even if it means some extreme measures. She is getting to an age when she can make decisions about her future (small decisions). This can be a very hard time as she is entering adolescents. The home schooling option may be a perfect fit…it can often motivate the student to work hard because of the individual attention and the ability of the teacher to cater to her learning style and needs. Additionally it creates a closer bond if you are the one working with her on a daily basis. Patience is key…though hard to come by. If you wish to contact me personally you may. I have experience in the education field as well as in adolescent psychology. Take it one day at a time.