With Paraguard Did You Ever Feel like You Should Also Use a Condom Too

Updated on August 04, 2010
H.K. asks from Chiefland, FL
5 answers

I am considering letting my body rest for 5-10 years after this birth in November, and the only birth control I have decided on is the paraguard.....NO HORMONES! However, I am freaked out that I will get pregnant on the paraguard and want to chart things really close (after my period returns, usually around 6-8 months after my baby is born)...
What is the best way to do this....I am pretty sure last time that I got pregnant even when using a condom, but never had the paraguard. Have any of you other mothers used two forms of birth control? Thanks in advance!

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answers from Eugene on

I had the copper-T for 3 years and loved not having the hormones in my system. I got pregnant about 6 weeks after having it removed--and never used any kind of back up method--that makes me think that it's very effective (I get pregnant very quickly and easily) and quickly reversible.



answers from Fort Wayne on

I have the Mirena IUD and don't feel the need to use birth control. The IUD is highly effective, so there's no need.



answers from Seattle on

Since Paraguard is as effective as getting your tubes tied... no I've never felt the need to back it up as birth control. And I'm fertile-myrtle. It's statistically possible, but just like getting pregnant after getting tied, so highly unlikely that I don't waste a second thought, except for the once a year where they make sure it hasn't embedded (the only cases I personally know of where pregnancy has occurred is when the IUD has become embedded). I mean... it's possible. But it's more likely I'll be struck by lightening, or die in a car accident, or be murdered, or attacked by a shark.

8 years out & 2 to go on this one, :)



answers from Jacksonville on

I have had my Paraguard IUD now for almost 10 yrs (I'm right at the point where I need to switch it). I love it! I have never felt the need to use additional birth control with mine. I originally chose this form of birth contro,l because like you I wanted to stop taking the pill and take a break from the hormones. I will most likely choose to have another copper IUD put in at my next annual to replace the one I have.



answers from Tampa on

I have been on Paraguard (I didn't want hormones either) since December, and haven't used a back up method. And haven't gotten pregnant! And my husband and I are very fertile. 2 of my 3 kids were conceived on the very first try and my 3rd was a complete shocker, conceived while I had no period (had just stopped breastfeeding and was waiting for it to return) and using various birth control methods. So I am happy and feel very comfortable so far! I was told it's like 99.9 percent effective. Good luck!

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