It is not spicy food. They lack two things; acidofilous (the liquid on top of yogurt, it's beneficial bacterial that we all must have to digest food,) and enzymes. Mine had a lot of trouble as a new born also. I read everybook I could get my hands on and tried every product on the market. Then I found an out of print book "Let's have healthy babies", by Adelle Davis. Her book said to do the enzymes. I did very small amounts every 12 hours for three daysl. At the end of three days the colic was gone. I couldn't believe it. Then I was mad that I waited so long because I was afraid. We did the doctors, etc. Nothing, until I did the enzymes. You could find the book through Amazon.com Next time your pregnant take alot of acidofilous (I do not know the spelling) and make sure you are really, really healthy and maybe you will have a perfect newborn. We all lack vitamins that we are not aware of due to food that lacks the vitamins that they should have. But, we don't really notice these, when you are pregnant these deficiencies become compounded due to the stress of carrying a baby. Cravings are a lack of vitamin C. Most mothers get cravings but the doctor doesn't tell you to take extra C. That is just one example.
Do some searches on the internet and start reading up.
Try the enzymes on your baby. I bought regular full spectrum enzymes for adults. Then I gave the baby 1/4 of the capsule opened up on her tongue before she was fed. Waited 12 hours and due to no bad reaction did a 1/4 capsule again. The next day I did the exact same thing except with 1/2 a capsule both times. On the third day I did one capsule in the mouth, and that was it - no more colic.