Don't worry, no judgment here, because I really feel your pain. My DD is model 8-7-2007 and I think they must be related. If it weren't for the different b-days, maybe they were twins separated at birth. She talks CONSTANTLY. And asks questions ALL THE TIME. Especially the same ones over and over.
"What time is it?" (every 5 minutes - I keep telling her to look at the clock but she still has to ask me first)
"What do blue and yellow make?" (I've told you 500 times - you know this)
"What do orange and purple make?" (I've told you also - they just make brown)
"What do brown, and black, and pink, and green and red make?" (*SIGH*)
"What comes after breakfast?" (play time) "What comes after play time?" (We have gym class today) "What comes after gym class?" (we get McDonald's) "What comes after McDonald's? (nap time) "What comes after nap time?" (more play time) "What comes after play time?" (dinner) "What comes after dinner?" (bed time). "What comes after bed time?" AAARRGH! Mommy gets a gin and tonic, how about that?
"Mama, do you want to play blocks with me?" (I have to do the dishes first) "Do you want to play blocks with me?" (When I am done with the dishes, I will play blocks with you) "Mama, I really want to play blocks with you! (I KNOW! I JUST SAID I would when I get done with the dishes! I didn't say no!). "OKAY Mama, you don't need to yell!" (grrr...)
"I want ice cream after dinner!" (okay, but you need to finish dinner first) "But I really want some ice cream! Please!" (I told you, eat 3 bites of dinner and you can have ice cream). "But I waaaaannnnnnt it!"
She sounds like a broken record and I'm starting to sound like one too. And part of me feels so guilty and horrible for getting annoyed, when so many of us wish they had all that chitter-chatter in their lives, because it would mean their kids were alive and healthy and normal. But, OMG, it never ends! I never wanted to be one of these moms that "wishes" those childhood years away, always looking forward to the next thing, but I must admit, the 2 afternoons a week that she goes to preschool now are a blessing and I'm looking forward to next year in preschool when she may go 3 or 4 mornings a week. Sometimes I have found myself telling her to please just stop talking for 5 minutes, even setting the timer. Sometimes I've just flat out told her that's enough, I'm not answering that question anymore, I am done. I've said, "There's too may words in Mommy's head! You have to stop talking for now because you are going to fill up Mommy's head with too many words and there won't be any more room! Mommy's head can't hold all these words!"
No real advice, I am just trying to survive it too, and enjoy what I can. All I can tell you is, it will not last forever. If I were you, I would see about preschool, 2 or 3 days a week, if you think she would benefit from it, and at least it would get you a break. I have a good friend with 4 year old twin boys that are wonderful but also drive her bonkers and we get together often for play dates so at least the kids play with each other and burn some energy off. The bright side too is that it sounds like both our daughters are very smart and once they get to school, they'll be curious and interested in learning and they'll do great because they love to ask questions. And at least they will be bugging the teacher with questions, and chattering with their friends, and we'll have a few hours of blessed peace.
In the meanwhile though, I think I am going to lose my mind. At least every day I could count on a 3 hour nap but I think she's getting ready to give that up. And I swear, she doesn't bug my husband nearly half as much! Why me?
Hang in there!