We use the Costco (Kirklands) formula and haven't had any problems and my daughter seems to like it just fine. Nutritional value compares to name brand. And just fyi, Kirklands diapers are AWESOME too. Love, love, LOVE them!
Hi moms,
I am new to formula as I breastfed my son for 17 mos. and breastfed my daughter for 9 mos. I was hoping to breastfeed my daughter until one year but now I am giving her formula. I shop at Target, Walmart ect.. but it seems like there is a small section of formula and nothing in 'bulk'. Am i missing something? Is there a place where everyone is buying their formula?? Does everyone go to BJ's and Costco? Is it really that much cheaper? I shop at whole foods so I don't have an interest in BJ's and I don't want to pay a membership fee just to get a small discount.
Second part...I have done so much research on different formulas and i am searching for the 'best' one (best quality ingredients, yes i know they are all pretty similar in nutrition content). I read reviews all the time and everyone has opinions on what is the 'best'..yes, i know breast is best. I am currently using Enfamil Premium Lipil and it is working great. The reason I want to switch is because I want Organic. I have read Similac organic has cane sugar and many have corn syrup. I looked into Vermont Organics but they have corn syrup, Baby's only has no DHA..I know this is a controversial supplement, but it is in breast milk. Earth''s Best seems like the best option, but no prebiotics and I am concerned with my baby getting constipated. Any opinions on the 'healthiest' or best quality ingredient formula?
We use the Costco (Kirklands) formula and haven't had any problems and my daughter seems to like it just fine. Nutritional value compares to name brand. And just fyi, Kirklands diapers are AWESOME too. Love, love, LOVE them!
We shop at Costco for our babies formula. You get 2 large cans for $19.00. It is the Kirklands brand and it is very good formula. Just one can of the name brand formula is like $25.00, so you are saving a ton.
Both of our kids used the Kirklands formula and they are extremely healthy and smart boys. The store brands have the same ingredients as the name brands do, it's just cheaper.
If you are shopping for a name brand and not a store brand I found that Babies R Us was consistently the cheapest. At least cheaper than the grocery store and Target ( We don't have a walmart near us). Plus they often do stock of sales where if you buy two you get $10 gift cards back. I used Enfamil Gentelease...seemed to work great...didn't look into Organic... Good luck!
We shopped Costco for when my 9 year old was in diapers and yes, they had his diapers but not his formula (which, back then, was plain old Good Start) but they did have other brands (don't remember what tho)...But Babies 'R Us had the large cans of the Good Start & my local Target didn't open until he was off formula...So I guess, what I'm strying to say is that where Costco & BJ's have bulk, the brands may be limitted but check it out -- they may have your baby's formula! Costco was a lifesaver with the diapers (but not the pullups nor the formula). Good luck!