Where in Cincinnati to Go with a 9 Month Old?

Updated on September 08, 2006
E.S. asks from Cincinnati, OH
10 answers

I am looking for places to go with the baby that she will actually enjoy. The catch is we have zero extra income for classes, shopping, and other costly activities. I am a stay at home mom with not much to do in a day and NEED to get out with her for my sanity and for her to see other children.

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answers from Cincinnati on

You can always go to a park and take her for a walk or swing on the swings. Or even bring a book and a blanket and read her a story under a tree. My boys love it . . . they are 6-1/2 months old. If the weather is bad outside, you can take her for a walk at the mall. At this age, they enjoy being with you and the attention you can give them more than anything! Have fun!!

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answers from Cincinnati on

We've just move to Cincy a couple of months ago, so I find all of this advice very helpful as well. Thanks! We have a 3 yr old and an 18 mo old, and we have loved our zoo membership (both in Birmingham and here). Since your 9 mo old gets in free, you can purchase an individual pass for $47, if it's primarily going to be you and the baby going. A family membership is $79 (I think). Keep in mind that parking is $6.50, so you may want to do a membership with parking included. Agree that libraries are great. Also, the Blue Manatee bookstore in Oakley also has a baby/toddler story time. Joseph Beth Books at Rookwood has a kid's area with train table, etc. --Nan



answers from Cincinnati on

A 9 month old will be one very soon. Can you get down to Sawyer Point Park on the river downtown? Also Sharon Woods is beautiful almost all year 'round. Investing in a Zoo membership for a year gets you a pass into a beautiful park with lots of variety, learning and helps the animals too. That was one of our favs...also Museum Center. P.



answers from Cincinnati on

check out the different county park websites. They offer a lot of free stuff. CLermont county has play groups.
I walk with a friend every tues/thurs at Miami Meadows in Milford with a friend. It's a great wway to burn calories and my 10 month old loves to ride in the stroller. You can then go to the playground as well.
Sharon Woods has a "mom fit" stroller class coming up in sept.
All so, the Johnny's toys location in kentucky has a chilfrens play area that is HUGE with all kinds of themes. Check online



answers from Cincinnati on

You could take her to an indoor playground such as they have at Kids First or Run, Jump, and Play. Also, I would look into joining a Moms Club in your area so you can get together with other moms for play groups. There's a web site which I think is www.momsclub.org .



answers from Cincinnati on

Some things we have done. Joseph Beth bookstore has a train table, as does Madeira library. Joseph Beth is nice because you can get a snack in the coffee shop or a magazine and sit while they play. Is your child walking yet? What about the playground. Their is Ault Park , Alms Park. Even if they aren't walking, they would probably have fun just watching and trying to get around. Story time, I like the downtown library, but all the library's have story time.
What about finding a playgroup locally? You could do a search for yahoo groups. There is big national mom's groups. MOPS, and others.
good luck



answers from Cincinnati on

Hi, pick up a copy of All About Kids and Cincinnati Family Magazine. You can find these free publications at every Krogers and probably any other grocer in the area. This is a great resource for parents, great articles and listings of monthly activities around cincinnati.
Look in your area for a MOPS group -mothers of Preschoolers.
There is also an organization called Mothers and More in Cincinnait for moms that have put their careers on hold or are working, but looking for support and activities www.mothersandmore.org.
The parks are a great place to go, Sharon Woods has a wonderful indoor play area for a nominal fee.
Pick up a an area park brochure while you're there.
Good luck



answers from Cincinnati on

Hi E.!
I am in the same boat as you, so I understand where you are coming from! I have a 10 month old active little girl and here are some of the free (or close) things we do-
-we go to the park whenever it is nice (she loves the swings and slides and to look at the ducks, and we have a picnic)
-in the summer, there is a free (awesome) waterpark at woodland mound and winton woods that she really likes, then we have a picnic
-there are 2 indoor parks for kids (sharon woods and winton woods)that will be more appropriate in a few months, but it has tunnels to crawl through and all kinds of things...
-the local libraries usually have some kind of baby event...I look on line or call
-at the forest fair mall (cincinnati mills), there is an indoor amusement park that mya rode one ride, and in a couple months will be able to participate in more, but it is very cheap and that mall also has indoor play things for kids to climb on (and one for babies our age)
-and most recently we have been frequenting the eastgate mall play area (its great especially withe the bigger kids back at school)---mya loves it and it is free
-the park system (hamilton county park district) has all kinds of free things for kids....we went to a live animal exhibit on labor day....does mya have any idea what we are doing? probably not, but it is different scenery for her and she enjoyed it
I know probably most of thosre places are kind of far for you (as well as me...the farthest is 30 minutes), but i find it worth it or we both go nuts during the day!
Plus, on line if you google cincinnati moms, there are a million playgroups to join or ways to meet other moms in a similar situation. I live in Milford and work part time, and also want activities that mya can enjoy, if you've exhausted all those activities and want a playdate, we are always up for something different!
Sorry this was so long, but hopefully it helps!
Take care!



answers from Cincinnati on

My daughter (16 months) and I love the public library. Most have a baby story time every other week or even once a week. A lot of the libraries also have toys and things in their children's area. We go just to play and there are usually other kids playing as well. Many of the bookstores also have free storytimes that are fun. Also, the Hamilton County parks system has some fun things for kids. You usually just have to pay admission to the park ($2/day or $5/year). We love Parky's Farm at Winton Woods. Hope you and your daughter find some fun things to do!



answers from Cincinnati on

Where are you at E.? I am a SAHM on the west side of Cincinnati. I babysit while staying home with my two youngest children (4 & 16 months), so I don't get out much, but always welcome visitors. :0) I, too, struggled after having my children, but never had the guts to reach out - I respect you for that. Have you ever been to Cincinnati Mills Mall? They have a cute little play area for babies & toddlers (just outside of Kohls). Would your daughter sit for a story time? Some libraries offer a story time for babies. Do you attend a church? I know that I always looked forward to hanging out in the nursery to meet other mom's in my same situation. Just a couple suggestions - Hope that helps.

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