**ADDING THIS: Your son is in Preschool. Your Husband is at work. Then both come home after their day. Hubby is an adult. WHEN does Hubby spend time with his Son, Before your son goes to bed?????
The point being, a Dad should spend time with their child, face-to-face time... before bed.
-- Per my comments below about my Hubby's Dad and the way he grew up: My Husband said, it was NOT fun, growing up with his Dad... because his Dad, was just doing HIS own thing, watching TV/movies just like your Husband wants to do. AND, the kids were shunned from the room, and his Dad called it "HIS room" even if it was the "family room"
My Hubby as a child, would try and play with his Dad as he watched HIS movies... and he was told he had to leave the room or be quiet and sit still. It was not a fun, memory for my Hubby as a child.
(Thus, I remind my Husband of this fact, so that he does not blindly keep this bad 'habit' going in my own, "family room"
Yes, it is my family room too, AND our kids'. Not only his family room. A room does NOT belong to someone, solely, just because He works and I don't and am a SAHM.
It is a FAMILY home.
(My Hubby made an extra room into "his" room, where he watches his adult Man type shows/games.
So- Your HUSBAND is 'ruling the roost' so to speak. He is MONOPOLIZING the entire family room/TV in the evening. And HE... is controlling the family and the 'family room' and TV.
Your Husband, an Adult, should NOT be "Competing" with a mere child, who is 4 years old.
It depends on how your Husband grew up.
My Husband, sort of has that "opinion" too.
HE grew up, with a Dad like that.
So he is like that too.
But I try... to explain to him, that this is a FAMILY room, not "HIS room" and we have KIDS... and this is how it is.
And that, it verges on being SELFish, of him.
IF your Husband wants the room to be without kids/kid stuff... then tell him to convert the attic or garage.. .just for himself.
Don't kick-out other 'family'... just for his "chauvanistic" view on it.
I really, disagree with your Husband.
Some parents, expect a children to be seen, not heard. Or not to even be evident, in the home.
This is UNrealistic.
all the best,